Faculty Superlative Winners
Amber Raymond - Master of Arts in Literacy
Betsy Johnson - Earned her Structured Literacy Classroom Teacher Certification
Jaquenetta Ortiz - Master of Arts in Education/Secondary Education Teacher Leader/TESL Endorsement
Hannah Beth Bracken - First Year Teaching/Started MAT last Spring
Michael Moore - Masters Degree in Teacher Leadership/National Geographic Certified Educator
Craig Cassady - Started his Rank 1 in Administration
Jane Russell - Master's Certification in MSD (Moderate to Severe Disabilities)
Lady Dragon Softball
Dragon Tennis
Lady Dragon Tennis
Dragon Baseball Seniors
Dragon Basketball
Dragon Bowling Seniors
Dragon Bowlers and Coach K
Lady Dragon Bowlers
Dragon Soccer
Lady Dragon Basketball
Dragon Choir
Dragon Choir
Mr. Rich and his sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Kwaizer and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Thiessen and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Belt and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Hurley and her sponsored senior athlete
Mr. and Ms. Carver and their sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Potter and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Fatkin and her sponsored senior athletes
Ms. Diame and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Thiessen and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Diame and her sponsored senior athlete
Mr. Isaacs and his sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Lee and Ms. Brumley and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Lee and her sponsored senior athletes
Ms. Harwood and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Fatkin and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Blaha and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Gosnell and her sponsored senior athlete
Ms. Garrett and her sponsored senior athlete
Mr. Rich and his sponsored senior athlete
Calendar Girl
Mr. Norman with his daughters
Cross Country
Lady Dragon Volleyball
1st Sergeant Hurley with Ms. Matson and Ms. Coulter
Coach Bowers x 2 and Coach Brumley
Ms. Coulter and Ms. Matson
Youth Service Center (Ms. Diame and Ms. Hurley)
Mrs. Burysek
Dragon Seniors
Dragon Football
Lady Dragon Soccer
Lady Dragon Volleyball
Friday Night Lights at Joe Hood Field
Reys came to visit WCHS
20/21 Football Cheerleaders
20/21 Football Seniors