Little Learners Mobile Classroom

It is our vision to reach into communities to offer families options and opportunities for school readiness and life-long success.

Warren County Public Preschool serves 750+ children within the age ranges of 3-5 years old. As the population of our county continues to grow, our numbers within preschool do as well. During the 2022 - 2023 school year Warren County Public School district holds 42 preschool classrooms within elementary schools across the district. Even though we continue to see growth in our number of students, we also know there is a large number of children ages 0 to 5 that are not being served in any type of educational service. Our goal as Warren County Little Learners is to reach into communities to offer families options and opportunities for school readiness and life-long success. In other words, it is our goal to support the needs of each family. This can include meeting the needs of the students, the family as a whole or the parents as being the educators within their home.

The Warren County Little Learners mobile preschool classroom will be serving children within Warren County by bringing education closer to the home setting. On the wheels of this bus, you will find a preschool classroom setting that is very similar to one that is found in the 15 elementary schools of Warren County Public Schools. Your child can discover playing to learn in different centers such as dramatic play, blocks, library, math and art. We will be focusing time on literacy, math, and social skills to help prepare children for school. The wonderful thing about this classroom is our goal to involve parents and children together. We welcome children ages 3 to 5 along with their parents to come aboard our classroom to experience a preschool session. Visit our photo gallery to see a session in action!

Be sure to check back or follow our twitter (@WCPSLilLearners) to stay up to date with locations to attend...

What will a Little Learners session look like?

Below you can find a sample session:


Focus on social skills and relationship building

Welcome / Whole Group Literacy

Songs, poems, games and other activities with emphasis on early literacy skills including alphabet knowledge, phonemic awareness, and conventions of print


Shared book reading and activity to advance language development, social skills and school readiness skills

Gross Motor Activity

Active games and exercises to promote large muscle development, physical health, social cooperation, and following directions

Free Play

During Free Play facilitator and assistant will work with families together to expand vocabulary skills along with socials skills. We will also help parents find ways to play to learn within their own home using home based activities

Clean up

Guidance on importance of routines, personal responsibility, and appropriate expectations for young children

Math Group

Facilitator and assistant will lead groups focusing on early numeracy skills including counting, sorting, patterning and recognizing numerals

Second Step Lesson / Dismissal

Research based social skills instruction with emphasis on understanding feelings, managing strong emotions, and interacting with others

For more information please complete our contact form or email:

Paige Hargett