Rate Case Updates

Latest Update: The Division has completed its analysis and its recommended rates are available on the PSC's website:  https://psc.utah.gov/2023/01/27/docket-no-23-067-01/


Wanship Water Users: 

Thank you to all who attended our open house yesterday at the pump house. It was cold, but a great meeting.  I appreciate all the support and ideas on working together to save some money with our small water system. 

A few reminders from our meeting:  Wanship Water has a proposed settlement agreement and will agree with what the State wants to do regarding rates and our new customer billing.  The hearing is scheduled for November 1, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., and the Public Witness Hearing is scheduled for November 1, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. This is a direct link to the Commission's website for Docket No. 23-067-01, https://psc.utah.gov/2023/01/27/docket-no-23-067-01/ , please view the docket and contact me if you have any questions.  

Please feel free to share this info with the community.  We have a majority of emails from everyone, but we are missing a few. We will send the few we are missing a letter in the mail.  If you know of people who dont want to provide us with an email, please encourage them to do so, as it saves our water company money and time.

Assuming the rate increase is approved, all customers would receive an invoice in early January for December water, and then early April for Q1 water and subsequently each quarter going forward.  We will work to do all billing digitally so you can pay via a bank account directly.  We do NOT plan to accept credit cards since that will add 3-5% fees for our company, and we would have to pass that cost along.  We will accept direct bank payments or checks.  Ideally, if we can get most customers to pay via bank payments, as you may do with other utilities, that will save significant money on accounting vs. checks since it automates your billing vs. more manual input. 

I can't thank you all enough for the support.  We will work hard to get the system in the best condition, work on grants to help pay for larger capital improvements, and utilize all those who are willing to kick in and help.