Welcome to Kindergarten

Making school work during the pandemic...

Dear Parents,

What a thrill! I love teaching kindergarten! It's so exciting to meet the new batch of students and be part of their life. I can't wait!

We are doing everything we can to make school work, and teaching young children presents its unique challenge. The school district has purchased a bunch of new stuff to enhance distant learning. At the same time, we are acquiring new skills to provide education for our future citizens. There are wrinkles to iron out, and obstacles to overcome. We will deal it face on one by one. You and your child will be with us for the ride.

Let's journey together!

Ms. Schoonmaker

Ms. Schoonmaker has been teaching at Buena Vista Elementary for 15 years. She has taught 1st grade, 5th grade, 4th/5th grade combo class, and kindergarten.

mschoonmaker @ walnutcreeksd.org

Daily Schedule

Mon, Tue, Thr, & Fri

8:10 - 8:45. Morning Meeting and Lesson- Whole class, meet on Zoom.

8:45 - 9:45. Small Group and/or independent work time, Seesaw assignments, snack, screen break, etc.

9:45 - 10:15. Lesson- Whole class, meet on Zoom.

10:15 - 11:15. Small Group and/or independent work time, Seesaw assignments, snack, screen break, etc.

11:15 - 12:00. Lesson and Closing Meeting- Whole class, meet on Zoom.


Arts, Music, Science, and Library! Stay tuned!