The Knight's Scroll

Road Trips

by Maddie McInnes

Road trips are usually full of groans, staring out the windows, and plain old boredom. You get into the car ready for a fun, perfect ride in the car, and leave just needing to get out of that tiny little capsule. Although it isn’t possible to travel right now, hopefully in the new future it will be an option again. Here are some fun games, tips, and ideas to make your road trip a little better.

There are many fun games meant just for car rides. One fun car game, like Auto Bingo, involves choosing cards for a deck, which have many objects you would see on the road (white car, motorcycle, police car, bald man in another car, etc.) and you have to be the first to find the objects on your cards. Basically all car games are awesome. License Plate Bingo is fun. Then, there’s always I Spy with My Little Eye, and hundreds of others. If you look up road trip games, you could search for hours finding the perfect ones. Basically whatever works for you.

When you're in the car for hours and hours, it’s very easy to get extremely hungry. But the wrong snacks can leave you feeling even worse. Fresh food always makes me feel better. So if you want a nice, cool, snack make sure to have a cooler that you can reach easily in the car (not somewhere that requires digging through suitcases in the trunk with a hungry stomach). Tip- make sure when you take any type of food/drink on the journey, you know you actually like the food to avoid a huge meltdown. Mess free snacks are key (chips in small bags, drinks with resealable lids, sauces in safe places). Something that many people forget is snacks for the way HOME! Later you and your stomach are going to thank me for having your own snacks, and not going through an event of desperation at a drive-thru!

Hopefully these little tricks help make your road trip a little more laid back. Snacks and activities are the most important parts of car rides (unless you're driving) so do your research to make your trip goes smoothly. Remember, don’t wait to learn about any type of problem when you're three hours in. Have fun!