Arts + Pop Culture

Cinder, the Fat Cat

by Maddie McInnes

If you’re into funny cat videos, you’ve probably seen the internet sensation, Cinder. Although this may seem extremely funny, it has a sad story to it. Cinder was given up to the hospital by her previous owner. She was overfed causing her to become obese. Her owner didn’t have time to deal with Cinder anymore due to family issues and had to say goodbye. Veterinarians saw her and knew they could help.

Cinder has been going on underwater treadmills, which is a regular treadmill with water on it. There is a clear cube for the water to stay in, which is only up to her paws. Due to her obesity she struggles to make any physical movements. Cinder can barely stand up, let alone walk. The most popular video of Cinder is her on this underwater treadmill. Usually people hold on to her and let her walk, but this time they didn't. Cinder simply stood on the side of the treadmill and let one paw do all the movement. If you search for "Cinder Block the cat" on YouTube, you can find her video.

You might be thinking to yourself that this is a very rare occasion. Unfortunately, its not. When Cinder Block became famous vets used it as a way to get the message out there. Way too many pets are overfed and 0bese. 60% of cats are obese. That's not okay. Many people think its just a funny video, but vets want to show that it comes with a serious warning. Don’t overfeed your pets!