School News

7th Grade Trip

by Glenn Bates and Mackenzie Reilly

The 7th grade field trip to the Philadelphia Zoo is over and it was an awesome adventure. To start off with, the bus ride was insane! We had, at least on one bus, fart spray, someone singing in Russian, and people jumping around from seat to seat.

We eventually got through the traffic and into Philadelphia, where aside from kids making awful acronyms of the building names, we made it to the zoo. The grade split up into groups, all with different schedules. Some exhibits seen were the reptile exhibit, and the primate exhibit. Soon after, the groups converged for lunch. Lunch was hectic. Meal options included pizza, chicken tenders, and cheeseburgers.

After lunch, the students had a brief chance to browse the gift shop. Many students chose to buy gifts from the shop, purchasing magnets, stuffed animals, and candy. Once the shop had cleared out, the students divided back into groups and headed out. Some went to visit the primates, while others left to see the big cats. The groups wandered around, seeing the remainder of the zoo for a few hours, before meeting up again outside the zoo. It had been a great trip, but we were all tired and ready to go home.

Everyone made their way back into the buses, and we headed out. For some, the bus ride was quiet, everyone tired and ready to be alone. For others, the bus ride was loud, and full of laughter. People were playing around with their souvenirs, or enjoying time with all their friends. All in all, the 7th grade trip was a success, and a lot of fun!