Walker County Schools Family Engagement 

What is Family Engagement?

Walker County Schools Family Engagement Program ensures that Title I, Part A parent and family engagement regulations are met with meaningful and strategic actions to build parent and school staff capacity as mandated by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015. Schools and districts must ensure that strong strategies are in place to: 1) build capacity to engage parents/stakeholders in an effective partnership with the school; and 2) share and support high student academic achievement.

Walker County Schools Family Engagement Plan 

2024-2025 Walker County Schools Parent & Family Engagement Plan

***If you have suggestions on updating our LEA Family Engagement Plan please email your suggestions to the Family Engagement specialist,  Sha Cumbee at shacumbee@walkerschools.org. ***
FY25 WCS LEA Parent and Family Engagement Plan.pdf

2024-2025 Walker County Schools Parent & Family Engagement Plan Spanish

*** Si tiene sugerencias sobre cómo actualizar nuestro Plan de participación familiar de LEA, envíe sus sugerencias por correo electrónico al especialista en participación familiar, Sha Cumbee a shacumbee@walkerschools.org. ***
FY25 WCS LEA Parent and Family Engagement Plan (1)_Spanish.pdf

What does effective Family Engagement look like?

What is Academic Parent-Teacher Teams (APTT) ?

It is  a model of family engagement that is grounded in the notion that schools can thrive when families and teachers work together, as genuine partners, to maximize student learning inside and outside of school. The model is research-based and aligns grade-level learning concepts, student performance data, and family-teacher communication and collaboration. The APTT model supplements and elevates the efforts of traditional parent conferences by expanding opportunities for families and teachers to collaborate. The format creates a systematic pathway for teachers to share grade-level information, tools, and strategies that families can apply at home and in the community to accelerate student learning. By implementing APTT, schools take responsibility for engaging in a collaborative process to build strong relationships with their students’ families and to empower those families to make concrete contributions to student growth and achievement. Currently, WCS has one school participating in APTT CVE .

Why is it Important for Parents and Teachers to be partners in their students' education?

When families and teachers communicate and work together effectively, it can significantly impact each student's long-term success.A recent study investigated how the relationships between parents and teachers can influence student progress. Researchers found that a positive, effective relationship between parents and teachers can help students prosper.

Working with your child’s teacher is one of the best ways to support his learning. You share a common goal: Providing the best educational experience for your child. Building a partnership with your child’s teacher can benefit him/her, too. Knowing that school and home are working together to help him succeed can help him feel more confident.

You know your child best. However partnering with the teacher can give you an even better understanding of your child. It gives you the chance to share with the teacher the concerns you may have or things you see at home that she’s not seeing in the classroom.

While we feel that our students are always at school but that isn't the case. 

The real strength in the APTT model is that it is all about building capacity — the capacity for teachers to gain better understanding of families and their unique circumstances; the capacity for parents to provide meaningful, focused support for student learning at home; and the capacity for students to succeed on foundational grade-level skills.” — Beth Long, Principal, Canton Elementary STEM Academy, Georgia

What is All Pro Dad?

For one hour each month, you’ll get to join other dads and kids at school for a fun, memory-making event.

All Pro Dad chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children that will strengthen their relationship, as well as benefit the child’s school and the entire community. All by just coming to eat breakfast and have a meaningful conversation with your child that makes a lasting impact in their lives.

What can you do at home to help your child?

Our mission  To ensure that every student graduates. Ready for CollegeReady for WorkReady for Life