Fairyland Elementary School



Ensuring all students graduate:

Ready for College

Ready for Work

Ready for Life

Today is Fairyland Elementary School's FORD DRIVE 4 UR SCHOOL EVENT

This event is sponsored by our corporate sponsor and friends at Mountain View Ford! The event will help raise $6,000 for the Fairyland School PTO and it's simple. All we need is for 300 people (friends, family, teachers, community members) to follow the link below and take a virtual test drive. You do not need to visit a car dealership; just take a virtual test drive. Pre-registration is starting now! This is a ONE day only event and the school's PTO will receive $20 for each virtual test drive (one per household address).

Click on this link to take your test drive today: https://d4ur.com/KQQW7

Thanks for your support!

Fairyland School

Fairyland School Digital Library

Hello Fairyland Family,

I hope your school year is starting smoothly! In these unique times, I wanted to share an exciting addition of a digital facet to our library. If you bookmark this link: https://sites.google.com/walkerschools.org/fes-library/home it will be updated with new read alouds from me and “rooms” with read alouds and activities based on our library lessons/ fairyland favorites every few weeks. There was a brief overview of the website during the digital learning nights and students have been introduced to it, but a explanatory video is embedded into the chalkboard on the words “Hello, Fairyland Readers!”, if you need a refresher.

Also, we do have digital access to the books in our library collection via this card catalog link: https://fairyland.goalexandria.com/ (or the Keep Calm and Read On poster on the website) If you need any books, especially our digital learners, please feel free to email me and we can bring books checked out to the office (or out to your car). We also will have an open browsing time after school from 3-4 on Tuesdays, if you’d like to come in and check out books.

I also am in the process of setting up some databases of digital book access for our school. Stay tuned for login information! Please don’t hesitate to email me if you have any questions or need books. Thanks!

Melissa Cairns

Librarian— Fairyland Elementary



Due to the Covid19 pandemic, our program will be modified for semester 1. Families may sign up for 3 or 5 days each week. We will not be able to accommodate drop in students during semester 1. We will decide about semester 2 at a later date. Our program will be smaller with less options in order to keep teachers, staff, and students as safe as we can and meet the needs of parents who do not have other after school options. We will cap the total number of after care students at 25. The smaller numbers will allow us to spread out and give students a more relaxed environment. We will follow the same safety protocols as during the school day. We strongly encourage masks. We will emphasize social distancing and hygiene. We will stay outside as much as possible. We will take temperatures at check in. We will not have outside-vendor classes (like Yoga or Sprouts) semester 1 but hope to bring them back in the spring if the Covid-19 virus is more contained.

The registration form is attached to Mr. Roerdink’s email and will be available at open house and in the school office.

Registration will remain $40 for the year per family.

Families can sign up for 3 or 5 days a week for the month. We will not have flexibility as we have in the past. Parents will pay for either 3 or 5 days each week.

1 child -3 days a week = $40; 5 days a week = $60

2 children in same family - 3 days a week = $61; 5 days a week = $95

Please contact Principal Roerdink or Mrs. Brown with individual questions.

Thank you for your partnership during this difficult time.

After Care Application

WOW! Check this out!

The Georgia Department of Education released the 2019 Individual School CCRPI Reports on Friday and I’d like to congratulate all of our students and teachers on an amazing 2019 CCRPI score of 97.7!!!

I am so proud of our school for this amazing accomplishment! It is each and every person in this building, working to build relationships and setting high academic standards, that makes this school so special and successful! It is not ONE person, but all of us working together and making Fairyland School the best school in the State of Georgia!

A big thank you to all of our parents and community members as well for supporting the school by making this a jewel for Lookout Mountain and Walker County! We can not do it without you!

To put this score into perspective, I can tell you that the highest score in the state was a 99.3 and our 97.7 ranks 12th of ALL SCHOOLS in the State of Georgia and 9th of ALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS! Considering there are 2,200 schools in Georgia and 1.6 million students, this is the highest ranking in the history of our school, which makes this score simply amazing and unprecedented for Fairyland School.

Amazed, humbled, and thankful for each of you!

We are Fairyland!

Mr. Roerdink – Principal

1306 Lula Lake Rd, Lookout

Mountain, GA 30750

P (706) 820-1171