NCEA Level 1 Mechanical Engineering


This course will involve practical and theory components based around Engineering. The work will concentrate on hard materials metalwork. This course underpins the pre-trade engineering courses and apprenticeships. It is particularly relevant for people wishing to pursue careers in general engineering, machining, tool making, fitting, engineering maintenance, fabrication, marine engineering, plumbing, gas fitting, locksmith and automotive trades.

Course Outline 

Credits Available:

Where this course can lead

This course leads to NCEA Level 2 Mechanical Engineering Technology (Competenz programme). It is particularly relevant for people wishing to pursue careers in general engineering, machining, tool making, fitting, engineering maintenance, fabrication, marine engineering, plumbing, gas-fitting, lock-smith and the automotive trades.

Prerequisites & Equipment

Entry: Successful completion of technology at Year 10 or pass marks in other Year 10 subjects and at the discretion of the Learning Leader. This may include interviews with both the student and caregivers.

Students MUST wear covered shoes and all safety (PPE) equipment in the workshop because Health and Safety is paramount 

Students will be  able to construct the first project of their choice within a specified brief and cost. Any cost exceeding school coverage fees is met by the students. 

Who to contact for more information 

Pramesh Chand - pch@waitarahs.school.nz