NCEA Level 3 Food Technology 


The key learning focus will be on developing individual students’ skills and knowledge base in line with their Hospitality career aspirations. Cookery, culinary knowledge and Manaaki Marae standards will form the course content. There is the possibility that this course will develop into a full Level 3 Certificate course, offering up to 42 L3 credits from all aspects of the Hospitality domain. This will be dependent upon student interest and class size. 

Course Outline 

Credits Available:

Where this course can lead

This course leads on to careers in the Hospitality sector.

Prerequisites & Equipment 

This is an open entry course and there are no prerequisites. You must complete US167 in Term 1 in order to take part in the practical lessons if you have not already completed it.

Who to contact for more information 

Jo Soffe - jso@waitarahs.school.nz