Year 10 Computing


At Year 10 this option continues to offer students the opportunity to develop confidence and skills when using computer applications, learn how they work and how they can use them to create digital solutions. Students learn to think, self-manage, relate to others, participate and contribute and use symbols, language and text to communicate. This option provides a good base for students who move on to study Computing at Years 11, 12 and 13 and adds to the skills-base for students taking Digital Technology in the senior area.

Course Outline

Topics covered during the year cover a range of programs and include some or all of the following:

Where this course can lead

Level 1 NCEA Computing

Prerequisites & Equipment

No prerequisites or equipment

Who to contact for more information 

Kim Rissetto - kri@waitarahs.school.nz 

Katie O'Donnell - kod@waitarahs.school.nz