Year 9 Te Reo Maaori


Te Reo Māori is the indigenous language of Te Ika a Maaui, of Te Waka a Maaui, New Zealand. It is an official language of Aotearoa. The language itself is central to Māori culture, identity and forms a large part of the heritage of our country. Learning languages is an important skill which will give you the ability to understand a different perspective and cultural worldview. It will help open your eyes up to a Māori world. Come and learn the language of this country, the language of our tūpuna (ancestors). 

Course Outcome

Students will have the opportunity to learn the following;

Maaori Performing Arts Level 2 & 3 Unit Standards - Credits Available: (Only available for students who competes in the Pae Rangatahi Kapa Haka Group)

Education Outside The Classroom

Marae visit, Noho Marae, Manu Koorero, Pae Rangatahi, Koroneihana, Taatarakihi & Puuanga

Where this course can lead

You will learn the basic information required of you in Year 9 to lead into Year 10. However, if you show that you are capable of sitting NCEA Level 1 Te Reo Maaori, you will be given the opportunity to.

Prerequisites & Equipment

Students are expected to have 2 x 1B5 exercise books and the minor resources i.e pen, pencil, rubber, ruler. That said, the Maaori Department will also purchase resources so that the students do not go without.

There are no prerequisites in order for you to select this subject area.

Who to contact for more information

Terri Totorewa - tto@waitarahs.school.nz