NCEA Level 2 Biology


This Biology course is aimed at students interested in gaining a thorough understanding of some of the key components of the living world around us, including practical investigations, ecology, life processes at the cell level, genetic variation and adaptations of animals to extreme environments. This full year course is for those who need a thorough background in Biology for future studies and want to understand the basics of how living things survive and function. Students can work toward subject endorsement with Merit or Excellence. 

Course Outline

Credits Available:

Where this can lead

Setting you up with knowledge and skills needed for Level 3 Biology and the basic entry requirement for a number of polytech courses, etc.

Prerequisites & Equipment

Minimum of 12 credits in an NCEA Level 1 Science course or at the discretion of the Learning Leader of Science.

No specific equipment is required.

Who to contact for more information 

Kirsten Keighley - kke@waitarahs.school.nz