NCEA Level 2 Financial Literacy


Unlock the secrets to financial freedom and embark on a journey that will shape your future! Financial literacy is the key that opens doors to a world of endless possibilities for high school students like you. Imagine a life where you have the power to make smart money decisions, to grow your wealth, and to achieve your dreams.

In today's fast-paced world, being financially literate is more crucial than ever. It's not just about learning how to save or budget; it's about understanding the language of money, investing wisely, and building a solid financial foundation for your future endeavors. Whether you dream of pursuing higher education, starting your own business, or traveling the world, financial literacy will be your steadfast companion, guiding you toward success.

By mastering the principles of financial literacy, you will gain the confidence to take charge of your finances, making informed choices that align with your goals. Say goodbye to money stress and hello to financial security! You'll be equipped to avoid debt traps, grow your savings, and create a safety net for unexpected challenges.

Moreover, financial literacy empowers you to be a responsible and savvy consumer, ensuring you make informed decisions when it comes to credit cards, loans, and major purchases. The knowledge you gain will not only benefit you personally but also enable you to support your family and loved ones in times of need.

Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to pave the way for your future success. Embrace financial literacy and set yourself on a path of financial prosperity, giving you the freedom to pursue your passions and turn your dreams into reality. Start your journey today and watch as the possibilities unfold before you! Your future self will thank you for the wise choices you make today.

This course covers the basics of budgeting, renting and flatting and taxation as well as help you to find out how to increase your personal income, budget for your household and which are the best credit options to take. Students need good literacy skills. 

Course Outline

Credits Available:

Where this course can lead

Enrolling in a financial literacy class can lead you on a path to various exciting opportunities and long-term benefits. Here are some of the places where doing a financial literacy class can lead you:

1. Financial Independence: By learning how to manage money effectively, you can achieve financial independence. You'll have the knowledge and skills to budget wisely, save consistently, and invest intelligently, which can lead to financial security and freedom.

2. Smart Decision Making: A financial literacy class equips you with the ability to make informed and responsible financial decisions. Whether it's choosing the right credit card, negotiating loans, or making major purchases, you'll be equipped to navigate the financial landscape confidently.

3. Entrepreneurship: Financial literacy is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs. Understanding concepts like cash flow, budgeting, and profit margins can help you run a successful business and make it financially sustainable.

4. Higher Education: Proper financial planning can help you pursue higher education without drowning in student loan debt. Financial literacy skills will enable you to explore scholarships, grants, and smart borrowing options, making your educational dreams more achievable.

5. Investing: Knowledge of investing through a financial literacy class can lead you to grow your wealth and build a financially secure future. Learning about stocks, bonds, real estate, and other investment vehicles can set you on a path towards long-term financial growth.

6. Homeownership: With financial literacy, you'll be better prepared to buy your own home and understand the intricacies of mortgages, down payments, and maintaining homeownership responsibly.

7. Retirement Planning: Starting early with retirement planning is crucial, and a financial literacy class can introduce you to retirement accounts, investment strategies, and long-term financial planning, ensuring a comfortable retirement in the future.

8. Financial Security for Family: Financial literacy enables you to protect your family's financial well-being through life insurance, estate planning, and setting up emergency funds.

9. Avoiding Debt Traps: Understanding debt management and credit scores can help you avoid falling into debt traps and maintain a healthy financial profile.

10. Generational Impact: By becoming financially literate, you can break the cycle of financial instability and pass on essential money management skills to future generations.

Overall, doing a financial literacy class can lead you to a life filled with financial confidence, security, and opportunities. It's a valuable investment in yourself and your future, with benefits that extend far beyond the classroom.

Prerequisites & Equipment

Prerequisites: NCEA Level 1 Numeracy

Equipment: Laptop / Chromebook

Who to contact for more information

Kim Rissetto - kri@waitarahs.school.nz

Mr Todd Fisher - tfi@waitarahs.school.nz