NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Internal


Maths Internal is an internally assessed course offering Numeracy Achievement Standards. As well as gaining credits through Achievement standards we will also be concentrating on gaining Numeracy through the Numeracy Examination that is becoming compulsory and worth 10 credits. This is not the traditional external standard that many are used to. If you feel that you struggle with Mathematics then this course is for you. It is a more slow paced course than the external course. 

Course Outline

This subject offers Numeracy.

Credits Available:

Where this course can lead

For students moving into employment, pathways include:

·  Business and retail

·  Health and community care

·  Agriculture and horticulture

·  Defence force

·  Marketing and social media

·  Trades

·  Hospitality

Students who complete Level 1 Mathematics and Statistics could choose to specialise in either or both disciplines at Level 2.

For students moving into further studies, Mathematics and Statistics provide foundation for:

·  Data Science and Modelling

·  Computer Science, Design and Programming

·  Engineering

·  Environmental and Earth Studies

·  Finance and Social Sciences

·  Science and Technology

·  Education

Prerequisites & Equipment

Prerequisites: Open

Equipment: Laptop / Chromebook, Scientific Calculator

Who to contact for more information

Hima Doluwe - hdo@waitarahs.school.nz 

Todd Fisher - tfi@waitarahs.school.nz