NCEA Level 3 Geography


In 2023, we did some research into what we can do to protect our coastline. This includes building seawalls, the coastal walkway and maybe just not doing anything at all! 

There is an element of student choice when it comes to the other internal assessments, some students looked at the global growth of Artificial Intelligence and some have looked at where Human Trafficking happens (does it happen in Aotearoa New Zealand?) and its impact on people. 

Our investigation of an issue could see you look at a local problem or a global one - you can decide. In 2023, we have a trip to Rotorua planned so that we can see how tourism has developed and this will form the case study for our exam.


You do not have to have studied Geography at Level 1 or 2.

Course Outline 

  Internal: 11-14

  External: 4 - 8

  Total: 14 - 22

  *If you don't want to do externals, that's fine - you can do a tourism internal instead.

Where this course can lead

Level 3 Geography is a University Approved subject. There are lots of areas where studying Geography can be useful: agriculture, tourism, conservation, town planning, architecture. If you're not sure what you want to do in the future, Geography helps to keep your options open. It is a subject that goes well with Science, Maths, Languages and Arts.

Prerequisites & Equipment

None! You do not have to have taken Geography before.

Who to contact for more information

Melanie Keighley - mke@waitarahs.school.nz