NCEA Level 2 Geography


In Geography, we look at our environment and how it can be affected by human activity. Our environment can be natural (awa, moana, maunga) or cultural (buildings, cities, roads).

We will look at things happening in Taranaki, in Aotearoa New Zealand and elsewhere in the world. We will visit Maunga Taranaki and see what happens to the environment at three different sites. We look at the murder rate in Chicago, USA and find out why it experiences so much crime. On a global scale, we investigate the problem of malaria and find out why it is something we should be concerned about. 

Our external standard builds on the geographic skills learned in Level 1 and we’ll draw maps and diagrams and look at photos, graphs and other information to answer questions. 

Externals are optional - we can add relevant Tourism standards (these are not UE endorsed) to your programme of study if you prefer. 

Course Outline 

  Internal: 11-17

  External: 4

  Total:  15-21

Where this course can lead

There are lots of areas where Geography can be useful: agriculture, tourism, conservation, town planning, architecture. If you're not sure what you want to do in the future, Geography helps to keep your options open. It is a subject that goes well with Science, Maths, Languages and Arts.

Prerequisites & Equipment


Who to contact for more information

Melanie Keighley - mke@waitarahs.school.nz