NCEA Level One English


Level 1 English continues your journey in becoming an expert in reading, writing and spoken interaction. This develops a strong base of critical thinking and analysis skills through exploring visual, written and oral texts. We focus on real world skills which you will need in the workplace and to be successful in the world around you. All this is achieved whilst exploring what it means to be human. Both internal and external assessments are on offer and you will work with your teacher to choose the assessments which will best showcase your strengths and work towards your goals. This course is compulsory. 

Course Outline 

Internals: 10 credits

Externals: 5 credits

NCEA Literacy assessments (externally assessed): 10 credits

Total: 25 credits

Where this course can lead

English equips students with a strong ability in reading and writing as well as critical thinking. These three skills are the basis for not only further English study in the senior school but every single job. Most tertiary providers expect a minimum of 14 Level 2 NCEA English credits.

Prerequisites & Equipment

The work in this course is set through Google Classroom. It is vital that chromebooks are charged and with the student every English lesson.

Who to contact for more information

Hillary Knowles - hkn@waitarahs.school.nz

Che Soffe - cso@waitarahs.school.nz