NCEA Level 3 Music Performance


Students who opt for NCEA Level 3 Music Performance in Year 13 will be playing their instrument or instruments at a standard expected of students in their fifth year of weekly, small group, itinerant instrument lessons. 

The demands of this course are substantial, requiring self-drive, technical ability, time management and developed performance skills. 

Students have the opportunity to perform solo on either one or two main instruments and also to plan, organise, rehearse and perform as a member of a group. 

Course Outline 

Your focus in this course is on developing your instrumental and performance skills.

You will prepare two programmes of solo performance on your main instrument and, if you are able, you will prepare a third programme of solo performance on your second instrument. 

You will also organise, rehearse and perform as a member of a group two substantial pieces of music. Alongside this you will also develop your team work skills and earn a unit standard for this. 

You will be offered free, weekly itinerant instrument lessons on your instrument or instruments. It is an expectation and essentail requirement for you to attend these each and every week. 

Credits Available: 

Where this course can lead

In the future music can lead to.....

Well, Chief Product Officer for Microsoft Panos Panay has said: 

 “I succeeded as an entrepreneur not despite the fact that I had a music degree, but precisely because of it. 

"Learning how to play a musical instrument and becoming a musician is an exercise in developing good listening skills, experimenting, overcoming repeated failure, self-discipline, and successful collaboration.

“It is simply impossible to become a successful music professional unless one also masters certain theoretical concepts, develops good presentation and improvisational skills and, ultimately, attains that elusive quality of originality that only comes once fear of failure is overtaken by the desire to acquire a new insight, a fresh perspective, and a unique voice.”

Prerequisites & Equipment 

You will have gained 13 or more credits in Music Performance at NCEA Level 2. 

You will be performing on your instrument at a level normally expected of a student in their fifth year of study in small group, weekly itinerant lessons.

You will be able to play proficiently one or two main instruments.

If you have not gained 13 or more credits in Music Performance at NCEA Level 2, for whatever reason, there is an opportunity for audition in December of the year prior to the course commencing.

Who to contact for more information 

Jo Suren - jsu@waitarahs.school.nz