Wairoa College

Learning Site

YEAR 7 & 8

Welcome to our class learning site!

This site is designed for children to be able to use in and out of class to access their learning.

You can also keep up to date with school information on the Wairoa College Facebook page.

Important info to help you:

  • Navigating the site:
    For each subject you will need to click into the tab on the left hand side of the screen. This will open up all of the learning tasks for each curriculum area. Each student will have to choose which level they will work on - levels 1,2,3 or 4. There will be a variety of tasks, resources and instructional video clips to help with the learning.

  • Completed work can either be done in a document and emailed to your teachers email address or presentable hard copy where you can take a photo of your work and email.

  • There will be a variation of work which consists of; online through Education Perfect and this online site as well as other activities and links to various educational websites.

It is important that your well being comes first there are a lot of learning activities uploaded for students to complete, it does not mean they have to finish everything. Like Nigel Latta stated: "....If the kids want to do their home learning and it doesn't add stress for parents, great. If you're trying to juggle work and a bunch of other things and the kids don't want to do it and its just adding stress don't do it and it will do them no harm at all."

Take care & stay safe.