College, Career & Military Readiness

Renee JacintoCollege, Career & Military

The FSA ID is your key to accessing and completing the FAFSA so don't wait - get it done today!

Military Enlistment & ASVAB Testing

Joining the military enables you to do several options at once. You can serve your country, earn a salary, and get training that will help you whether or not you make the service your lifetime career. 

Here are some options that the military can offer: 

ROTC Programs

Colleges and universities often offer ROTC programs and ROTC scholarships. Requirements for these programs and post-graduation responsibilities vary; contact the ROTC programs at the college campus of the Armed Service branches for more information. 

National Guard or Reserve Programs 

The National Guard works with college students who seek scholarship money. Students in this program will participate in monthly and summer Guard activities and agree to post-graduation responsibilities. 


The military offers unique opportunities available nowhere else. After your service is completed, you will be eligible for money for college. Explore all branches of the military to decide which service, skills, and enlistment options will be best for you (Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, and Marines).

The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is available to students in grades 11-12. It measures a student's aptitudes and abilities and relates them to specific occupations in civilian and military life. This test allows students to explore career choices and post-secondary options.  The ASVAB scores four critical areas -- Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge -- which can also count towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score. For students interested in joining the military, the AFQT score determines whether you're qualified to enlist in the U.S. military. Learn more about the ASVAB here

Careers in the Military 

UHS will offer ASVAB testing on Thursday, October 24, 2024. Email to sign up. 

Career Resources

Texas Reality Check  - This free website offers students the ability to see how much their ideal standard of living costs. 

Texas Workforce Commission - Extensive resources for Texas-based job initiatives, careers and education. 

Career One Stop - This is another free website that provides assessment and real world information. 

College Board - Big Future College Board’s free college planning tool, designed to support students with college and career options.

Financial Aid What is Financial Aid?

There are several types of financial aid:

Financial Aid Application          FAFSA or TASFA                                                                                                                                                                              Which one should I complete?

Students should complete one application: FAFSA OR TASFA.

Financial Aid Nights Do you need help?

Financial Aid FREE College Degree!!

Go here to find a list of colleges offering free tuition based on family income: Texas Tuition Guarantee. 


New scholarships will be added to this list so check back often!

Big Future Scholarships Deadlines vary

Daniel Stark Extraordinary Scholarship June 27, 2025

Murray Watson, Jr. Scholarship Deadline - Last Friday of each month

Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship Deadline May 5, 2025

LIFE Association Trade Scholarship Fund Deadline May 1, 2025

Grande Employee Memorial Scholarship (GEMS) Application Deadline May 1, 2025

Waco Kiwanis Club Foundation Scholarship Deadline April 19, 2025

Dr. Pepper Museum Free Enterprise Institute Scholarships Deadline April 18, 2025

Carlson Cares Scholarship Deadline April 17, 2025

WACO NAACP Scholarship application Deadline April 1, 2025

Charles Butt Scholarship for Aspiring Teachers Deadlines vary depending on the college (Dec. 1 - Mar. 21, 2025)

Mirabeau B. Lamar Award  Deadline March 18, 2025 (must be logged into school account to access)

Goya Foods Culinary Arts Scholarship Program Deadline March 3, 2025

Fort Cavazos Family Scholarship Fund Deadline Feb. 17, 2025

Hispanic Scholarship Fund Scholars Application Deadline Feb. 15, 2025

Educators Credit Union’s  Ralphael “Ralph” Barksdale Jr. Memorial Scholarship Deadline Feb. 8, 2025

McDonald’s HACER National Scholarship Deadline Feb. 6, 2025

HEB UIL Scholarships for Texas Athletic, Music and Academic Participants Deadline Jan. 31, 2025

Texas Housing Scholarship Application Deadline Jan. 31, 2025

Fidelity Scholars Program Deadline Jan. 30, 2025

Terry Scholarship : Texas Woman's University Deadline Jan. 21, 2025

Taco Bell Live Más Scholarship Deadline Jan. 18, 2025

McLennan Community College Foundation Scholarship Deadline Jan. 15, 2025

Terry Scholarship : The University of Texas at El Paso Deadline Jan. 15, 2025

Terry Scholarship : The University of Texas at Arlington Deadline Jan. 15, 2025

Terry Scholarship : Texas Tech University Deadline Jan. 10, 2025

The Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship Deadline Jan. 9, 2025

Terry Scholarship : University of North Texas Deadline Jan. 7, 2025

Terry Scholarship : The University of Texas at Dallas Deadline Jan. 5, 2025

Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship Deadline Dec. 19

Equitable Excellence Scholarship Deadline Dec. 18

Burger King Scholars Program Deadline December 16

Terry Scholarship : Texas State University Deadline Dec. 15

Terry Scholarship : University of Houston Deadline Dec. 6

Terry Scholarship : The University of Texas at San Antonio Deadline Dec. 1

Terry Scholarship : Texas A&M University Deadline Dec. 1

The University of Texas at Dallas Eugene McDermott Scholars Award (must be accepted to UTD) Deadline to apply Dec. 1

Ron Brown Scholarship Deadline December 1

US Hispanic Leadership Institute & Rumba Scholarship (for undocumented students) Deadline Nov 30

Cooke College Scholarship Program Deadline November 14

Hispanic Heritage Youth Award Deadline November 3

Buy-Rite's Annual Beauty School Scholarship  Deadline November 1

Prevounce Preventive Health Scholarship Program Deadline October 15

Friends of Texas Public Schools Scholarship Deadline October 6

Dr. Pepper Tuition Giveaway  Deadline September 30

Tide Back to School Scholarship Deadline September 30

Coca-Cola Scholars Program Deadline September 30

The Gates Scholarship Deadline Sept. 15 

Student Athletes

Students wishing to pursue athletics in college register should register with an eligibility center during their junior year.  

NCAA Eligibility Requirements The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Center determines the eligibility of students participating in college athletics at NCAA Division I or II institutions. 

NAIA Eligibility Information The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) is a smaller association than the NCAA, with just over 60,000 students. It includes two divisions (Division I and II) and Division I in the NAIA is comparable to Division II in the NCAA.

Junior College Eligibility Information National Junior College Athletic Association's (NJCAA) mission is to promote and foster two-year college athletics.  

NCAA/NAIA/JUCO Recruitment Informational Webinar 

Standardized Testing (ACT/SAT/TSIA2)

The purpose of the standardized assessments is to measure a student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with a common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. College admissions staff may review scores alongside your high school GPA, the classes you took in high school, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, admissions interviews, and personal essays. How important scores are in the college application process varies from school to school. 

Overall, the higher you score on the SAT and/or ACT, the more options for attending and paying for college will be available to you. 

ACT The ACT has five categories: English, math, reading, science and an optional writing section. Each section is scored separately and combined together for a composite score. The highest score a student can receive is 36. Free ACT Practice 

SAT The SAT measures measures three skill categories: critical reading, math and writing. Each section is worth 800 points, with a total of 1600 points.  Free SAT Practice.

TSIA The Texas Skills Initiative Assessment is designed to measure college readiness skills in the areas of reading, writing and math for colleges in Texas. If you are a student that is planning to enroll in college level coursework, you may need to take the TSI exam (TSIA Exemptions).  Free TSIA2 (Accuplacer) practice

What's next?

I have submitted my college applications - now what?

Colleges will generally send you login information for their student portal.   This allows you to check the status of your application and whether you need to submit further info. Please be aware that sometimes there is a lag from the time you send your information to the time they receive it into their system (even if you send something electronically).  Get in the habit of checking your email for information from the colleges you applied to.

I got in - now what?

Here is a list of the next steps to consider after receiving the acceptance letter: What's Next? Steps for Enrolling in College?

*Specific requirements may vary by school so it is important to verify with each school what is required and what is not.

Financial Aid Application High School Graduation Requirement