Glenn "Chip" Thron

Glenn “Chip” Thron

  • Nickname "Chip"... Glenn was about 1 hour old. His sister (Jean) saw him in the nursery and told his mother… “He's a chip off the old block, he looks just like dad… lets call him chip.”
  • Graduated from Vernon-Verona-Sherrill in 1982
    • In school he wasn’t involved in any clubs or extra-curricular activities - looking back, he regrets not getting involved more, BUT frequently attended sporting events… Football, Basketball (Most joyous) & Baseball. He was often seen in the stands with a clipboard keeping stats for the games
  • Started with the VVS All-Sports Booster Club in 1987
    • Chip was always interested in sports… but now out of college, he wanted to do more than just attend
    • 1st Meeting - in the cafeteria... Preston Denby was AD, Deb & Ron Evans, John Shannon, Bill Newcomb → recalls about $600 overall in the account.
        • Back then, the main role of the Booster Club was to create and sell programs (one-liners)
  • 1990 - Chip took over the “broom closet” - concession stand between gyms
  • Fondest Memories of VVS Athletics as a Supporter
    • Most Proud of… Booster clubs ability to fund the local tax share of the Oliver Park Baseball Complex ($60,000 over 15 years)
    • Most Memorable
      • Christmas Tournament game in 1983 - Scott Hicks was playing, VVS vs Henniger championship game (VVS won in OT). David vs Goliath atmosphere
          • Scott Hicks wasn't the star he usually was in this game, it was forward Steve DeBalso that hit jump shots deep in the corner to send it into Over Time and the Win!
      • Winning the Section 3 Baseball Championship in 2015 - He felt like he was a part of it.
      • The 3 Game-Winning Buzzer Beaters in a 8-Day span that Scott Knapp hit in his senior year... At New Hartford at the top of the Key, Home vs Notre-Dame and Oneida. The Notre-Dame game was a half-court & the Oneida game was just over half-court by the scorers table.
    • Most amazed by the 76 Game TVL Boys Basketball Win Streak over 5 years
      • You knew every Tuesday & Friday night there was a VVS Basketball game because the whole community was there - It was a "happening"
      • Some teams were beat even before the first tip… intimidated by the heat, the crowd and the teams’ abilities
  • Created and Published “Devil Doodles” - Did you know type information about VVS Basketball - Stats, records, games info and more.
  • Basketball is his favorite sport to watch… however, baseball is his favorite sport be be involved with.
    • Started keeping book in 2003, when Jim Burton became AD)
  • Chip has been the curator for the Route 31 VVS Message Board since 1992
    • The Boosters Club offered to pay student groups to manage, but nobody wanted to do it in the winter, so Chip agreed
    • Chip has been seen chasing letters that blow away down route 31 and climbing over waist deep snow piles ever since

Chip's Self-Made Stat Sheets from his High-School Days