Curriculum Vitae ( pdf )

Contact Information

                      Department of Economics                                                           Tel: 540-231-9636

                      Virginia Tech                                                                                         Fax: 540-231-9288

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     Ph.D., Economics, The Ohio State University, June 2006

                   Dissertation: Essays on Theories and Applications of Spatial Econometric Model       

     M.A., Economics, The Ohio State University, June 2001

     M.A., Economics, with Honors, Renmin University of China, Beijing, P. R. China,   June 2000  

     B.A., Economics, with Honors, Renmin University of China, Beijing, P. R. China, June 1997

Academic Positions

     August 2017-Present                     Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Economics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.

     August 2015-August 2017         Associate Professor (with tenure), Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

     August 2009-August 2015         Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.

     July 2006-July 2009                       Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China.

Areas of Specialization

            Applied Econometrics

            Labor Economics

            Health Economics

Journal Publications

1.    Lin, Xu, Jihu Zhang and Shanhe Jiang (2022), “Spatial and Temporal Correlations of Crime in Detroit: Evidence from Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Models,” International Review of Law and Economics, accepted..

2.    Pilehvari, Asal, Wen You and Xu Lin (2022), “Retirement's Impact on Health: What Role does Social Network Play?” European Journal of Ageing, accepted.

3.     Hsieh, Chih-Sheng and Xu Lin (2021), “Social Interactions and Social Preferences in Social Networks,” Journal of Applied Econometrics,  Vol. 36, Issue 2, pp. 163-270.

4.     Lin, Xu and Lizi  Wu (2021), “Interdependence among Mental Health Care Providers: Evidence from a Spatial Dynamic Panel Data Model with Interactive Fixed Effects,” The Annals of Regional Science,  67, pp.131–165.

5.     Hsieh, Chih-Sheng and Xu Lin (2017), “Gender and Racial Peer Effects with Endogenous Network Formation,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 67, pp. 135-147.

6.     Lin, Xu (2015), “Utilizing Spatial Autoregressive Models to Identify Peer Effects among Adolescents,” Empirical Economics, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pp. 929-960.

7.     Lin, Xu (2014), “Network Attributes and Peer Effects,” Economics Bulletin, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 2060-2079.

8.     Lee, Lung-fei, Ji Li and Xu Lin (2014), “Binary Choice Models with Social Network under Heterogeneous Rational Expectations,” Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 96, Issue 3, pp. 402-417.

9.     Lin, Xu and Bruce Weinberg (2014), “Unrequited Friendship? How Reciprocity Mediates Adolescent Peer Effects,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 48, pp. 144-153.

10.     Lin, Xu (2014), “Peer Effects in Adolescents' Delinquent Behaviors: Evidence from a Binary Choice Network Model,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, Vol. 46, pp. 73-92.

11.     Lin, Xu (2010), “Identifying Peer Effects in Student Academic Achievement by Spatial Autoregressive Models with Group Unobservables,” Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 825–860.  

12.     Lin, Xu and Lung-fei Lee (2010), “GMM Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with Unknown Heteroskedasticity,” Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 157, pp. 34-52.

13.     Lee, Lung-fei, Xiaodong Liu and Xu Lin (2010), “Specification and Estimation of Social Interaction Models with Network Structures,” The Econometrics Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 145-176.

Book Chapters

Journal Publications in Chinese

1.     “Forecasts of Average Annual Growth Rate of China’s GDP in the Tenth Five-Year Plan,” (with Haibing Gu), Economic Theory and Business Management, Vol. 3, 1999.

2.     “Forecasting China’s Transportation Demand in the Ninth Five-Year Plan,” (with Haibing Gu), Quantitative and Technical Economics, Vol. 9, 1998, also collected in Social Sciences Information Center of Renmin University of China

3.     “A Longitudinal Study on Urban-Rural Income Inequality in China,” (with Haibing Gu), Economic Daily, June 22, 1998. 

4.     “Navigating the Pitfalls of Making Industry Demand Forecasts,” (with Haibing Gu), Economic Reform and Development, Vol. 4, 1998.

5.     “Analyzing Seasonal Variations in the Economic Time Series Data of China,” (with Haibing Gu and Fuqiang Li), Quantitative and Technical Economics, Vol. 11, 1997. 

Book Chapters in Chinese

 ·Authored several chapters of two books: “Analysis and Forecast of China’s Economic Growth in 2000” and “Trends and Prospects of China’s Social Development in 2000”, Jingwen Li (Ed.), Unity Press, Beijing, China, 1999.

Working Papers

1.     “Gender and Racial Disparities in Altruism in Social Networks ” (with Chih-Sheng Hsieh).

2.     “Popular Peers' Effects” (with Bruce Weinberg).

3.     “Does friends’ gender matter for students’ academic performance?” (with He Jiang).

4.     “Dynamic Peer Effects in Student Academic Performance: Evidence from Random Roommate Assignment” (with Jihu Zhang).

5.     “Social Learning in Enrollment Decisions for Social Pension Plan” (with He Jiang).

6.     “Inter-industry Wage Differentials in China: Evidence from a Correlated Random Effect Model ” (with Wei Xiong).

7.     “Identifying Spillover Effects among Chinese Firms” (with Chong-En Bai).

Other Research in Progress

1.     “Identification and Estimation of Social Network Models with Crowding out Effects among Peers” (with Xiaoyi Han, Lung-fei Lee and Bruce Weinberg) 

2.     “Peer Effects among Coworker Networks”

3.      “Multiple Imputation for Spatial Missing Data”

4.     “Spillover Effects in Market Penetration of Medicare Advantage Plans among US Counties” 

5.     “Random Coefficient Spatial Autoregressive Models”  (with Chih-Sheng Hsieh)

6.     “Social Interaction Models with Model-based Clustering” (with Chih-Sheng Hsieh)

7.     “Online Social Interactions” (with Chih-Sheng Hsieh)

Research Grants

              ·University Research Grant, Wayne State University, 2011

              ·Summer Research Grant, Department of Economics, Wayne State University, 2009-2011

              ·National Natural Science Foundation of China Research Grant (grant number: 70701020), “Analyzing Social Interactions and Social Networks by Spatial Autoregressive Models”, 2008 

              ·World Bank Research Grant (with Chong-En Bai), “Capital Allocation, Regional Specialization and Spillover Effects in China”, World Development Report background paper, 2008

              ·Outstanding Research Fellow Grants, Tsinghua University, 2007

              ·Research Grant for Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Tsinghua University, 2006-2007

Conference and Seminar Presentations

              · Conference Presentations: 

                      · Midwest Econometrics Group Meeting at Michigan State University, East Lansing MI, October 2022 

                     · 3rd Annual DC-MD-VA Econometrics Workshop, Georgetown University, Washington DC, September 2022 

                    ·  Midwest Econometrics Group Meeting at The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 2019 

                      · Big Data and Society Management Conference, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, P. R. China, July 2019 

                      · Add Health Users Conference, Bethesda, MD, June 2016

                      · The Workshop on Social Identity and Social Interactions in Economics, Quebec City, Canada, April 2016

                      · The IX World Conference of the Spatial Econometrics Association, Miami, FL, May 2015

                      ·Midwest Economics Association Conference, Columbus, OH, March   2013

                      ·American Economic Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 2013

                      ·Midwest Econometrics Group Meeting, Lexington, KY, September 2012

                      ·IZA Economics of Leadership Workshop, MIT, Cambridge, MA, August 2012

                      ·Add Health Users Conference, Bethesda, MD, July 2012

                      ·International Economic Association 16th World Congress, Beijing, P. R. China, July 2011

                      ·Midwest Econometric Group 16th annual meeting, Cincinnati, OH, October 2006

                      ·Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, Beijing, P. R. China, July 2006

                      ·Midwest Econometric Group 15th annual meeting, Carbondale, IL, October 2005

                      ·Canadian Economics Association 39th annual meetings, Hamilton, Canada, May 2005

            · Seminar Presentations: 

                      · Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 2019 

                      · Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, P. R. China, July 2019 

                      · University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, March 2018

                      · Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, January 2017

                      · University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, March 2016

                      · Queens College, City University of New York, New York, NY, October 2015

                      ·University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, October 2013

                      ·Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, P. R. China, April 2009

                      ·University of California—Riverside, Riverside, CA, January 2009

                      ·Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, January 2009

                      ·Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, February 2009

                      ·Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China, June 2007

                      ·University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, February 2006

                      ·The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, October 2005  

Teaching Experience

            ·Instructor, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech

                  ·Analysis of Economic Data, Summer 2021, F21, F22, S21, S23

                 ·Undergraduate Research, F20, F21, F22, S21, S22, S23

                 ·Economics of Health Care, F17, W18, S19, S20, F20

                  ·Labor Economics , F19, F20, F21, F22

                  ·Advanced Topics in Labor Economics (Ph.D. level), F18, S21

            ·Instructor, Department of Economics, Wayne State University

                 ·Econometrics I (Ph.D. level), W10, W11, W12, W14, W15, W16

                 ·Econometrics II (Ph.D. level), F09, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16

                 ·Introductory Statistics and Econometrics, F10, W11, F11, W12, F12, 

                   F13, W14, W15, F15, W16, F16

            ·Instructor, Department of Economics, Tsinghua University

                ·Intermediate Microeconomics, F06, F07, SP09

                ·Labor Economics, SP07, F08, SP09

            ·Instructor, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University

                ·Intermediate Microeconomics, SU05, SP05, W05

                ·Principles of Microeconomics, SU02

            ·Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University

               ·Principles of Microeconomics, SP02, W02, F01

               ·Money and Banking, W03, F02

               ·Probability Theory (Ph.D. level), F05

               ·Advanced Econometrics (Ph.D. level), SP03

Dissertation Supervision

    ·Arin Shahbazian, Chair, Virginia Tech, Ph.D. in progress

·Asal Pilehvari, Co-chair, Virginia Tech, 2021/5

·He Jiang, Chair, Virginia Tech, Ph.D., 2022/5

·Nazanin Sedaghatkish, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D. in progress

·Azat Nurmukhametov, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D. in progress

·Byungki Mun, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D. in progress

·Shan Jin, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D., 2021/5

·Sakshi Upadhyay, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D., 2021/7

·Sunjin Kim, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D., 2021/7

·Muchin Bazan, committee member, Virginia Tech, Ph.D., 2022/5

·Jihu Zhang, Chair, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2020 

·Nasim Baghban Ferdows, committee member, Wayne State U, Ph.D. 

·Maryam Jafari Bidgoli, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 

·Ablaye Camara, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 

·Qianwei Shen, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2015

·Lizi Wu, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2014

·Meenakshi Beri, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2012

·Jin Luo, committee member, Wayne State University, Ph.D. 2010

Other Professional Activities

            ·Journal Referee for

                             American Journal of Education

                             American Economic Journal - Applied Economics

                             China Economic Review 

                             Economic Inquiry

                             Economics of Education Review

                             Econometric Reviews

                             Economics Letters

                             Economics of Education Review

                             European Economic Review

                             European Sociological Review

                             International Regional Science Review

                            Journal of Applied Econometrics

                            Journal of Business & Economic Statistics

                            Journal of Econometrics

                            Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization

                            Journal of Human Capital

                            Journal of Public Economics

                            Journal of Spatial Econometrics

                            Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation

                            Journal of the American Statistical Association

                            Journal of the European Economic Association

                            Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences

                            Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 

                            Oxford Review of Education

                            Review of Economics and Statistics        

                            Review of Network Economics

                            Spatial Economic Analysis

                           The Economics of Transition

                           The Social Science Journal

                           South China Journal of Economics (in Chinese)

            ·Funding Agency Referee for:  

                             National Science Foundation (NSF)

                             Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (RGC)

                             National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 

                             Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

            ·Textbook Reviewer for

                            “Microeconomics and Behavior” (8th ed) by Robert Frank, 2009.

                            “Health Economics” by Jeffrey Harris, 2018.

            · Editorial Board Member: 

                            Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, 2011-Present.

            ·A member of the Editorial Board of two books:

                            “Analysis and Forecast of China’s Economic Growth in 2000” and “Trends and Prospects of China’s Social Development in 2000”, Jingwen Li (Ed.), Unity Press, Beijing, China, 1999.

            ·Conference Co-organizer

                            The 2009 Tsinghua Workshop in Econometrics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China, May 31-June 1, 2009.

            ·Seminar Coordinator

                            Department of Economics, Wayne State University, Winter 2012 and 2016.

            · University Service:

                            IDEA Committee, College of Science, Virginia Tech, Fall 2022.

                            Faculty Annual Review Committee, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech, 2017-2019, 2021-present.

                            Diversity Chair, Applied Micro Position Search Committee, Department of Economics, 

                            Virginia Tech, 2022-present

                            Hiring Committee Chair, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech, 2017-2018.

                            Graduate Committee, Department of Economics, Virginia Tech, 2017-present.

                            Salary Committee, Department of Economics, Wayne State University 2010-2011, 2016-2017

                            Budget Committee, Department of Economics, Wayne State University 2013-2014.

                            Mathematics Economics Committee, Department of Economics, Wayne State University 2015-2017.

                            Personnel Committee, Department of Economics, Wayne State University 2016-2017.

Fellowships, Awards, and Honors

            ·Excellence Teaching Award (with David D. Li), Tsinghua University, 2008

            ·G. S. Maddala Prize in Econometrics, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, 2005

            ·Conference Travel Grant, Department of Economics, The Ohio State University, 2005

            ·University Fellowship, The Ohio State University, 2000-2001

            ·Sumitomo Bank Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 1999

            ·Guang-Hua Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 1998

            ·Distinguished Undergraduate Student of Beijing Award, Renmin University of China, 1997

            ·Baoshan Iron & Steel Co. Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 1996

            ·Outstanding Student Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 1995 and 1996

            ·Academic Scholarship, Renmin University of China, 1994 and 1995