
I gave a talk and poster presentation about "Improvement of Lactoferrin Thermal Stability by Complex Coacervation Using Soy Soluble Polysaccharides" at the American Chemical Society Fall 2022 National Meeting!

[Aug 23, 2022]

Our paper "Cellulose adsorbent produced from the processing waste of brewer’s spent grain for efficient removal of Mn and Pb from contaminated water" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Food and Bioproducts Processing!

[Aug 12, 2022]

I provided an invited talk about "Bioactives in bovine milk: chemistry, technology, and applications" at the 2022 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) symposium. Thanks for the invitation and sponsor from National Dairy Council!

[Jun 22, 2022]

My work "Improvement of Lactoferrin Thermal Stability by Complex Coacervation Using Soy Soluble Polysaccharides" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Food hydrocolloids!

[Apr 11, 2022]

Our paper "Synthesis, Stability, and Bioavailability of Nicotinamide Riboside Trioleate Chloride" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Nutrients!

[Dec 27, 2021]

My work "Bioactives in bovine milk: Chemistry, technology, and applications" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Nutrition Reviews!

[Dec 8, 2021]

Our invention application for "Low-Energy Krill Oil-in-Water Nanoemulsions for Nutraceutical and Flavor" has been accepted by VTIP and published!

[Sept 2021]

I am honored to receive the "Outstanding Service Award" in IFT-Nutrition Division this year!

[Aug 22, 2021]

Our paper "Complexing hemp seed protein with pectin for improved emulsion stability" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Journal of Food Science!

[Jun 22, 2021]

Our paper "Chemical Compositions of Edamame Genotypes Grown in Different Locations in the US" has been accepted for publishing in the journal, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems!

[Jan 13, 2021]

I will start my new position as a postdoctoral researcher in The Abbaspourrad Lab at Cornell University working with Dr. Alireza Abbaspourrad!

Go Big Red!

[Oct 26, 2020]

I won the first place in our CAFS (Chinese American Food Society) research video competition with $1000 cash prize!!!

We have the SHIFT20-CAFS meeting on this Monday evening . The participates voted for the finalist in the meeting and announced the results right a way.

[July 13, 2020]

CAFS_Tiantian Lin.mp4
Dry bean fibers for health: impact of the bean matrix and food processing

I will start my new position as a food analytic scientist working with Dr. Sean O'Keefe at Virginia Tech!

Go Hokies!

[May 25, 2020]

We have the FST 2020 virtual Commencement ! Go Hokies! [May 15, 2020]

These days, I am staying at home and learning some new things on Coursera --- Machine Learning, taught by Professor Andrew Ng, from Stanford. To achieve this, I also learned a coding tool, MATLAB.

[May 10, 2020]

I presented my last Ph.D. research work about dry beans modulating lipid digestion on ACS virtual meeting through Morressier. [LINK]

[May 1, 2020]

I defended my Ph.D. dissertation titled "Role of dry beans in binding bile salts and modulating lipid digestion: Impact of the bean matrix and high-hydrostatic pressure processing"[SLIDES].

[Feb 28, 2020]

I attended the Nutrition 2019 in Baltimore and gave a talk and poster presentation on my research "Structurally different dry bean matrices modulate in vitro lipid digestion".

[June 8-10, 2019]

I attended the ACS2019 Spring meeting in Florida and presented my research"Analysis of in vitro bile salt-binding ability of structurally modified common bean matrices using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)" in both AGFD division and Sci-mix.

Most excitingly, I met my former advisor Dr. Liao!

[Mar 31-April 4, 2019]

I won the 2nd place award in the flash talk competition in Alpha Epsilon’s 1st Annual Research Symposium in Virginia Tech by presenting my research about Bile salts-binding ability of dry beans!

[Mar 28, 2019]

Alpha Epsilon's research
Processing dry beans more healthy with improved bile salt-binding ability

I attended IFT2018 in Chicago and presented my research "Bile salt binding capacity of fiber from dry beans: impact of the food matrix and food processing condition". As a student volunteer in Carbohydrate Division, I helped to host one of the short courses.

I enjoyed the night cruise with my FST foodies.

Most excitingly, I met my division mentor Dr. Kurt Villwock and former lab colleges & friends when I was studying in China Agricultural University.

[July 13-19, 2018]

I won the 3rd place award in the 6th Annual Poster Competition in our FST department by presenting my research about the effect of HHP on the dietary fiber composition and bile salts-binding ability of dry beans.

[April 27, 2018]

My FIRST trip to IFT in Las Vegas is so wonderful! I get to know many researchers and scholars in Food Science and met my former work colleges and cooperators from Industry! I hope next year I can attend IFT again and present my own research.

[June 25-18, 2017]