Sean Reiter

Virginia Tech Mathematics Graduate Student

Office: McBryde 407B

Email: seanr7 <at> vt <dot> edu


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My name is Sean Reiter, I am a 4th year Ph.D. student in mathematics at Virginia Tech. I received my B.S. in mathematics (minor in chemistry) from Virginia Tech in Spring of 2018, and my M.S. in mathematics from Virginia Tech in Fall of 2021. My advisors are Dr. Mark Embree and Dr. Serkan Gugercin

Primarily, my research interests lie in the following areas:

I have previously taught MATH 1225: Calculus of a Single Variable I, and CMDA 1634: Discovering CMDA, the first-year experience course for the computational modeling and data analytics (CMDA) major. 

Personally, I enjoy coffee, cooking, and am an avid runner.