Advanced STRuctures and Optimization (ASTRO) Lab

Welcome to Advanced STRuctures and Optimization (ASTRO) Lab!

We are interested in computational problems (multi-scale modeling, optimization, uncertainty quantification, model reduction, machine learning) for different materials (metals, metallic alloys, composites, meta-materials) in multiple length scales ranging from micro-scale to component-level in moderate to extreme environments, with a special focus on design

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Recent Highlights

Maruf receiving the Best Paper Award at AIAA SciTech 2025 (Photo by David Becker for AIAA).

Maruf has won the Lockheed Martin Best Paper Award in Structures at AIAA SciTech 2025.

Our paper, “Design of Functionally Graded Inconel 718 Alloy Structures by Developing Material Property Closures,”  was given the top honor for a student paper in the area of structures. 

Mohamed Elleithy, Ender Eger, Maruf Billah, and Waris Khan (Photo credits Alex Parrish)

ASTRO Lab @ AIAA SciTech 2025

We have contributed with five talks showcasing our recent research in computational and data-driven modeling and design of metallic microstructures, composites, metamaterials, and porous systems.

Full papers can be accessed here.

ASTRO Lab's Research on Aerospace America Magazine

ASTRO Lab Over the Years

ASTRO Lab at AIAA SciTech 2025 in Orlando, FL. From left to right: Ender Eger, Waris Khan, Saltuk Yildiz, and Md Maruf Billah.

ASTRO Lab dinner in October 2024. From left to right, clock-wise direction: Buminhan Sansa, Dr. Kubra Sekmen, Dr. Pinar Acar, Sofia Cassara, Kuang Kuang, Naser Almutairi, Mohamed Elleithy, Ender Eger, Saltuk Yildiz, Waris Khan, and Md Maruf Billah.

ASTRO Lab in October 2023. From left to right: Ender Eger, Kuang Kuang, Mohamed Elleithy, Matthew Long, Waris Khan, Md Maruf Billah, Sheng Liu, and Dr. Pinar Acar

Our team from the Spring 2024 group dinner. We celebrated the graduations of Dr. Sheng Liu and Matthew Long!

Our team (from left to right: Mohamed Elleithy, Matthew Long, Ender Eger, and Sheng Liu) has presented our research projects at AIAA SciTech 2024 in Orlando, FL.

Our team (Sheng Liu, Mahmudul Hasan, Mohamed Elleithy, Arul Senthilnathan, Rick Catania, Kiara McMillan, Henry Zhao, and Dr. Pinar Acar) are standing in front of the R-R Trent 1000 Turbofan Engine in Goodwin Hall (photo credits: Alex Parish, February 2022).


Advanced STRuctures and Optimization (ASTRO) Lab

Department of Mechanical Engineering

1145 Perry Street, Durham Hall

Blacksburg, VA 24061
