研究紹介 Research


Main research activities in our lab include investigation into cognitive-neuroscientific mechanism of human behaviors by intedisciplinary approach integrating brain function measurement, data-science and endocrinological mesurement, and development of assistive-technologies based on its findings. Alongside with these main research topics, we are also pursuing several sub-themes such as mechanims of human attractiveness/Kansei information processing and motor -contol based on sensory information.

データ・サイエンスによる内的状態推定 Internal state inference by data-scientific approach


We aim to establish a system to objectively infer internal state (psychological state etc) of people, that is unobservable from others, by submitting biological information (e.g. central and peripheral nervous system activation and behavioral pattern) quantified by information technology to machine-learning. The overarching goal of our research is to estiablish technologies (learning assistence system, supplementary diagsosis/screening system of developmental disorders etc) to empower people so that they can lead better life.

関連する業績 Related Publications

  1. Doi,H., Iijima, N., Furui, A., Soh, Z., Yonei, R., Shinohara, K., Iriguchi, M., Shimatani, K., & Tsuji, T. (2022). "Prediction of autistic tendencies at 18 months of age via markerless video analysis of spontaneous body movements in 4-month-old infants" Scientific Reports

  2. Doi, H., Tsumura, N., Kanai, C., Masui, K., Mitsuhasi, R., & Nagasawa, T. (2021). "Automatic classification of adult males with and without autism spectrum disorder by non-contact measurement of autonomic nervous system activation" Frontiers in Psychiatry Vol. 12, art.no.625978

人間行動とその多様性の認知・生物学的基盤解明 Cognitive and bioloigical basis of human behaivor and its diversity


It is essential to deepen our understanding about human behavior in designing services and applications that enhance people's quality of life. From this perspective, we are carrying out basic research to investigate characteristics and mechanisms of human cognition and behavior by psychological experiments and non-invasive brain function measurement. We also aim to elucidate the endocrinological and genetic basis of diversity, or individual differences, in human behavior by specially focusing on the function of "male hormone" testosterone.

関連する業績 Related Publications

  1. Doi, H., Kanai, C., & Ohta, H. (2022). "Transdiagnostic and sex differences in cognitive profiles of autism spectrum disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder." Autism Research Vol. 15(6), pp. 1130-1141.

  2. Doi, H., Yamaguchi, K., & Sugisaki, S. (2021). "Timbral Perception is Influenced by Unconscious Presentation of Hands Playing Musical Instruments" Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol. 75 (6), pp. 1186–1191.

  3. Doi, H., & Shinohara, K. (2019). "Low Salivary Testosterone Level Is Associated With Efficient Attention Holding by Self Face in Women. " Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience Vol. 13, art.no. 261.