NUT 認知神経情報学研究室

Nagaoka University of Technology,

Cognitive Neuroinformatics Laboratory

新着情報 (What' New) [Only in Japanese]

2022/10/12 研究室サイトを公開しました。

メンバー (Lab Members)

准教授 土居 裕和 (Associate Professor Hirokazu DOI)

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略歴 Professional Career

Sep. 2022 - Present  長岡技術科学大学 技学研究院 情報・経営システム系 准教授 Associate Prof. Department of Information and Management Engineerings, Nagaoka University of Technology

May. 2022 - Present  滋賀大学 データサイエンス・AIイノベーション研究推進センター 特任准教授 Specially Appointed Associate Prof. Data Science and AI Innovation Research Promotion Center, Shiga University

Apr. 2019 - Aug. 2022 国士舘大学 理工学部 人間情報学系 准教授 Associate Prof. School of Science and Engineering, Kokushikan University

Arr. 2013 - Mar. 2019  長崎大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科 講師 Lecturer. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University

Apr. 2006 - Mar.2011  長崎大学大学院 医歯薬学総合研究科 助教 Assistant Prof. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University

主な業績 Selected Publications

  1. Doi,H., Iijima, N., Furui, A., Soh, Z., Yonei, R., Shinohara, K., Iriguchi, M., Shimatani, K., & Tsuji, T. (2022). "Prediction of autistic tendencies at 18 months of age via markerless video analysis of spontaneous body movements in 4-month-old infants" Scientific Reports

  2. Doi, H., Tsumura, N., Kanai, C., Masui, K., Mitsuhasi, R., & Nagasawa, T. (2021). "Automatic classification of adult males with and without autism spectrum disorder by non-contact measurement of autonomic nervous system activation" Frontiers in Psychiatry Vol. 12,

  3. Doi, H., Basadonne, I., Venuti, P., & Shinohara, K. (2018). "Negative correlation between salivary testosterone concentration and preference for sophisticated music in males." Personality and Individual Differences Vol. 125, pp. 106-111

  4. Doi, H. & Shinohara, K. (2015). "Unconscious Presentation of Fearful Face Modulates Electrophysiological Responses to Emotional Prosody" Cerebral Cortex Vol. 25(3), pp.817-832

  5. Doi, H., Nishitani, S., & Shinohara, K. (2015). "Sex difference in the relationship between salivary testosterone and inter-temporal choice" Hormones and Behavior Vol. 69C, pp.50-58.

詳細はこちから for more details



専門分野 Research Areas

認知神経科学 Cognitive Neuroscience、行動内分泌学 Behavioral Endocrinology、デジタル・フェノタイピング Digital Phenotyping、心的状態推定 Internal State Inference

学部生 Undergraduate Students


林 雅之 (Masayuki HAYASHI)

林 美澪 (Mirei HAYASHI)

前田 文平 (Bunpei MAEDA)