Individual Counselling
You are Precious
Your counsellor will help you understand myself, help you clarify your problems, goals, and objectives, and help you look at alternative solutions to your problems.
The model of counselling used looks are the past and the present. It includes the exploring and resolving of past hurts, your family of origin, feelings, thought patterns and communication skills, all having in view your restoration to wholeness. It is designed to help you focus on achieving optimum health and encouraging you to seek and find an enriching and fulfilling life.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
A DID diagnosis can be hard to accept, and the way forward may appear confusing and, at times, hopeless.
DID is usually caused by trauma before age 6 or 8. Every part of you is important and has a unique purpose. Any healing approach needs to respect every part of you and your rhythm. I assume you want to advance on a path that has led others to wholeness.
We will use the Primary Identity Approach (PIA) developed by Restoration in Christ Ministries. PIA helps you recognise your primary identities, your identity system and how it functions. PIA is not an alter-by-alter approach, which could take years to complete. It is not about healing memories or remembering everything. Instead, it is about resolving the primary identities' root intolerable conflicts that will make dissociation no longer needed.