City Model

We will build a model with wood and other materials reused.

We will carry out two activities: The first one will be to build with the slats and a leaflet the basis of our model. The second will be to draw a fragment of Barcelona that we will distribute for classes and groups. These fragments can be found in the flat section of the model. This fragment will have to be painted and we will have to decorate the model with some element / building representative of the area you work on.

we will also incorporate:

  • An electric circuit.
  • A circuit with an arduino one that controls it so that our model gives us ideas on how to improve our city and turn it into a smarter green city.

també incorporarem:

  1. Un circuit elèctric.
  2. Un circuit amb una placa arduino uno que el controli de manera que la nostra maqueta ens doni idees de com millorar la nostra ciutat i convertir-la en una smart city més verda i saludable.

Assessment rubric

Còpia de Rúbrica Coavaluació TGI2