ZoneApp Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This user's privacy policy is effective September 19, 2018.

1. Scope of Policy and Consent

It is the user's responsibility to read, understand and consent to the use of personal information by users in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

2. Information collected by Tattoo Designs

Installation information, device information, downloading information, sharing information, favorit photos, push notification information and pressing your push notification.

3. Use of Information

  • To provide services to users. To fix technical problems And to enable the features.
  • Research and analysis on application enhancements.

4. Information we share

We will share your personal information. With companies or outsiders In the following cases only:

  • To register for the service. Third party
  • Necessary for the development and improvement of application performance.

5. Security

  • The information collected will be protected by technical means and security procedures. Safe as it should be. To prevent unauthorized access or use of data.
  • If the user's personal information is damaged or lost. No matter what the cause, including hacking or other means. We reserve the right without liability for such damage or loss. Or damage to any sequel.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy. Users can inquire at