In addition to having a large amount of zombie monsters we also have a series of ZW themed backrow known as 'Zombie' cards. These include Zombie Reborn, Zombie Necronize, Zombie Power Struggle, Haunted Zombies, Return of the Zombies and of course the new spell I mentioned above. These backrow cards are actually pretty diverse and give a large amount of cool extra plays for the deck, and they are all tied together by sharing the effect that, while in gy, they can return a banished zombie to deck in order to set themselves. This is a cool way to tie in with the theme of the deck, being 'Undead' cards, into the backrow itself. The issue however is that the deck has no way to search out these diverse series of cards. Because of this you either run them as sacky one-off cards that you can't search and can't be tailored to the situation that you are currently in or you play them as 3-ofs which causes them to become bricky. This is especially problematic as with the new foolish burial-like card mentioned above this could be a very crucial series of cards to play. Having Necronize on turn 2 to essentially be snatch steal if you can't deal with a certain monster, Power Struggle to give big atk points to Balerdroch, Reborn to have gy extension etc.

This is why I suggest zombies need a way to search these spells/traps so that they can be tech choices in the deck to use for multiple purposes, such as how Smashers is used in Sprights. Thus I would suggest a new Zombie monster, perhaps a lv 5 one so that it can be searched with Glow-Up Bloom, that either can be discarded from hand to search a 'Zombie' Spell/Trap or have some way to SS itself from hand to field and upon SS can search the backrow. This also technically lets us search ZW from deck. I don't want to tie it into the normal summon as the deck already has issues with having the Normal disrupted and as such I don't want to further enhance that problem, and that nicely brings me to the next point.

Zombie World War

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My thoughts were creating some form of additional high level zombie boss monster, thanks to the suggestion of the new 'Zombie' foolish burial above we could invest further on additional zombie plays in getting out more big boss monsters, such as by playing 2 Glow-up Blooms to send on both turns. My suggestion would be another high level (8/9?) main deck zombie with no inherent summon, or perhaps even the ability to banish 2 zombies from gy to SS itself from Hand or GY, Chaos style, that had the ability, while ZW is up, that once per turn you could negate the effect and activation of a spell/trap used by your opponent. This would allow Balerdroch to have a partner in crime that allowed Zombies to, in theme and in engine, deal with a larger variety of decks, protect the field from plays such as Feather Duster to remove ZW or Evenly Matches to banish Balerdroch, and give a stronger end board from pure zombies.

That's my thoughts on what I think zombies need right now. I feel it's fairly comprehensive and hopefully we get something like these cards in future support as I feel this stuff is fairly balanced and it allows duelists to play a more 'Pure' zombie build rather than having to absolutely rely on mixing it with other decks such as SHS, Punk, Tears and other such cards. Hopefully we can get cards such as this and finally bring Zombies into the meta and not have to rely on stuff such as Eldlich floodgate decks or other unfun lockout strats!

Zombie World is an intense shooter game where your survival depends on eliminating hordes of zombies. As chaos reigns and security becomes a distant memory, test your courage and skills to shoot down the undead. Engage in a relentless battle and discover how far you will push yourself to stay alive in a gripping zombie apocalypse.Release DateJuly 2023

The basic zombie world core effectively comes in 1 box. To be more specific, the Secret Pack :Abyssal Underworld contains most of the cards you will need to pilot this deck. With the release of Structure Deck: Immortal Glory we received further archetype support and a vast majority of that pre-existing support consolidated into a single structure deck. This makes it a fantastic value for gems, and crafting materials.

I ended up working yesterday with Burnmill Productions and some friends on a day of shooting for a short film about zombies. You always learn something working with other professionally-oriented people.

What Stout describes here and finds prima facie incredible isa zombie world: an entire world whose physical processes are closedunder causation (as the epiphenomenalists he was attacking held) andexactly duplicate those in the actual world, but where there are noconscious experiences.

If zombies are to be counterexamples to physicalism, it is not enoughfor them to be behaviorally and functionally like normal human beings:plenty of physicalists accept that merely behavioral or functionalduplicates of ourselves might lack qualia. Zombies must be like normalhuman beings in all physical respects, and they must have thephysical properties that physicalists suppose we have. This requiresthem to be subject to the causal closure of the physical, which is whytheir supposed lack of consciousness is a challenge to physicalism. Ifinstead they were to be conceived of as creatures whose behavior couldnot be explained physically, physicalists would have no reason tobother with the idea: there is plenty of evidence that, asepiphenomenalists hold, our movements actually are explicable inphysical terms (see e.g. Papineau 2002).

The usual assumption is that none of us is actually a zombie, and thatzombies cannot exist in our world. The central question, however, isnot whether zombies can exist in our world, but whether they, or awhole zombie world (which is sometimes a more appropriate idea to workwith), are possible in some broader sense.

But what kind of impossibility is relevant here? Physicalists cannotjust say zombies are ruled out by the laws of nature, since evendualists can agree they are impossible in that sense: that it is bynomological necessity that the physical facts about us bringconsciousness with them. Physicalism therefore needs somethingstronger.

Two further kinds of necessity are usually considered: logical andmetaphysical. Now, many philosophers (largely influenced by the zombieidea) believe the connection from physical facts to consciousnesscannot be logical even in a broad sense. And certainly the conceptualscheme of physics does not appear to leave room for logicallinks from physical to phenomenal (see e.g. Kriegel 2011; Stoljar2006). However, some argue that nevertheless zombies are not reallyconceivable at all (Kirk 2005, 2008, 2013; Tye 2006); Kirk 2013 alsomaintains that although the physical facts do not entail the truthabout conscious experience a priori, they nevertheless entailit by logical necessity.

We now face two key questions: Are zombies conceivable in the senseexplained? If they are conceivable, does it follow that they arepossible? Only if the answer to both questions is yes will theconceivability argument succeed. We can take them in that order.

Other considerations favoring the conceivability of zombies can befound in Block 1995, 2002; Levine 2001; Searle 1992. Chalmers 2010develops his defense further. Brian Cutter 2020 offers ananti-materialist modal argument which does not rely on the assumptionthat the physical truths are compatible with the absence ofconsciousness.

Philip Goff (2010; see also his 2017) suggests that this loophole forRussellian versions of physicalism weakens the zombie argument. Herecommends instead an argument from ghosts: pure subjects ofexperience without any physical nature. He argues that such ghosts areconceivable and possible, and that they provide an argument againstphysicalism which leaves no loophole for Russellian monism.(Physicalists are likely to object that arguments against theconceivability of zombies can also be mobilized against ghosts.)

When Ophiocordyceps unilateralis infect carpenter ants, they turn them into zombies. The ants become compelled to climb to the top of elevated vegetation, where they remain affixed and die. The high elevation allows the fungus to grow and later spread its spores widely. 

When the larva has gained full control of its host, it turns it into a zombie-like creature that is compelled to stray away from its mates and spin the cocoon-like nest that will allow the larva to grow into the adult wasp.

Do such cases mean that zombies are real in some way, or, just as our fascination with the figure of the zombie in folklore and popular culture, do they merely reflect our uneasy relationship with death? We leave it to you to decide.

From urban legends, Zombies have become one of the mainstays of movie or video game culture. It can be said that the post-apocalyptic setting with zombies has become the most popular in the horror game genre. Over the years, zombie games have been developed a lot, in different styles, with different storylines. It is important that the huge popularity of zombies does not bore gamers. This is still considered a popular game-making topic.

The Zombie World Z team is building a unique virtual world where players can become real warriors fighting with Zombies to regain the land where they live and own and earn money from playing experience. their game using $ZWZ, the platform's main utility token. $ZWZ holders will also be able to participate in the management of the platform through a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), where they can exercise voting rights on important decisions of the Zombie World ecosystem.

Zombie World Z aims to bring blockchain into the mainstream, attracting both crypto and non-crypto game enthusiasts by offering advantages of real ownership, digital scarcity, monetization and, interoperability In the crypto market, there are also many Metaverse games such as Decentraland, The Sandbox, ... In these games, you can create your own worlds, own property through NFT as well as trade them through Marketplace, ...The game is designed in a way that allows players to "master the game" by exercising power over the platform. Players also enjoy a democratic governance model based on democracy and inspirational real-world rules for DAO ff782bc1db

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