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One common operation performed with resources is to gather a collection of resources into a single instancewith containing context. In FHIR this is referred to as "bundling" the resources together. These resource bundles are useful for a variety of different reasons, including:

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A given version of a resource SHALL only appear once in each Bundle. There MAY, however, be multiple versions of a single resource present in a single bundle. This would be expectedin Bundles of type history, and also might be necessitated by closely trackingProvenance.

Note that the meaning of an unversioned reference to a resource that appears multiple times is potentially ambiguous, though processors may have additional information to help resolve this (e.g. change order in a history bundle).

The Bundle resource is a packaging construct that has one of more entries that are other kinds of resources. Those resources themselves have references to other resources - e.g. an Observation that refers to a Patient. The referenced resources may also be foundin the Bundle. For example, the system that constructed the Bundle may have included boththe Observation and the Patient. The content of the references between resources doesn't change because of the bundle.

This section documents a method that resolves references correctly within a bundle. Notethat this method does not define any new semantics; resolution is based on the wayresource identity and resource references work.

All elements in Bundle are marked as summary because Bundle resources need to be fully populated when doing a search, and most use cases for retrieving summaries of documents or other types of bundles are not well suited by the standard isSummary mechanism and are better handles by operations or other mechanisms.

Enjoy personalized bundles that are perfect for any wall, space, or budget! With our new bundle options, you can customize your order to best fit your needs. Each bundle includes a Digital Album + Enhancements plus an option to select a product/s of your choice featuring any image from your photography session.

I have an SHC and I am using an SHC Deployer to deploy apps to it. Those apps include Splunk ES which is very large. The latest 7.0.0 update for ES may be so large that it causes errors when I apply the cluster bundle.

We had the same problem deploying the same app (Splunk_SA_Scientific_Python_Linux_x86_64) using the deployer. Under the hood, the deployer is using HTTP to push app bundles to the Search Head Cluster. The search heads (acting as an HTTP server) are rejecting the bundle for this app because it exceeds the default setting for content length.

This is a known issue for PSC app to cause bundle size to increase exponentially and the reason to have PSC app installed on standalone instances other than the clusters. However, PSC comes bundled with ES and cannot be separated from that. I discovered one of the conf setting mentioned in the upgrade steps for ES is to change the max_upload_size parameter in web.conf and increase it's value.

Still, the age of the cable bundle is giving way to the era of a new kind of bundle that could give both streamers and cable providers a path forward. Media executives told CNBC this month that 2024 could finally be the year that media companies get serious about the bundle.

Bundle inventory is determined by the inventory levels of each product included within a bundle. The product with the lowest inventory level determines how many bundles can be sold. Product inventory levels are updated in real-time.

You can't define bundles as final sale when you set up return rules. The return eligibility of a bundle is based on whether the individual products within the bundle are set as final sale items in your return rules.

Our three best-selling products in one powerful trio. This simple three-step routine effectively targets common concerns for aging skin, including the appearance of fine lines, large pores, dull texture, and dry skin. Give your skin the ultimate youthful boost with this advanced bundle. Full-sized bottles of:

I love this bundle, it was the first thing I ever ordered from Drmtlgy. I wanted needed to find a simple skincare routine to get started and build from and this was perfect! The night cream has been my favorite go to item!

Typically, models in R exist in memory and can be saved as .rds files. However, some models store information in locations that cannot be saved using save() or saveRDS() directly. The goal of bundle is to provide a common interface to capture this information, situate it within a portable object, and restore it for use in new settings.

We need some way to preserve access to those references. The bundle package provides a consistent interface for bundling model objects with their references so that they can be safely saved and re-loaded in production:

The bundle package prepares model objects so that they can be effectively saved and re-loaded for use in new R sessions. To demonstrate using bundle, we will train a boosted tree model using XGBoost, bundle it, and then pass the bundle into another R session to generate predictions on new data.

OPA can periodically download bundles of policy and data from remote HTTPservers. The policies and data are loaded on the fly without requiring arestart of OPA. Once the policies and data have been loaded, they are enforcedimmediately. Policies and data loaded from bundles are accessible via thestandard OPA REST API.

Bundles provide an alternative to pushing policies into OPA via the REST APIs.By configuring OPA to download bundles from a remote HTTP server, you canensure that OPA has an up-to-date copy of policies and data required forenforcement at all times.

If the bundles[_].resource field is not defined, the value defaults tobundles/ where the name is the key value in the configuration. For theexample above this is authz and would default to bundles/authz.

Bundle names can have any valid YAML characters in them, including /. This canbe useful when relying on default resource behavior with a name likeauthz/bundle.tar.gz which results in a resource ofbundles/authz/bundle.tar.gz.

Services implementing the Bundle Service API should set the HTTP Etag headerin bundle responses to identify the revision of the bundle. OPA will include theEtag value in the If-None-Match header of bundle requests. Services cancheck the If-None-Match header and reply with HTTP 304 Not Modified if thebundle has not changed since the last update.

With the periodic bundle downloading (ie. short polling) technique, OPA sends regular requests to the remote HTTPserver to pull any available bundle. If there is no new bundle, the server responds with a 304 Not Modified response.The polling frequency depends on the latency that the client can tolerate inretrieving updated information from the server. A drawback of thismethod is that if the acceptable latency is low, then the polling frequency could add unnecessaryburden on the server and/or network.

With the above configuration, OPA sends a long poll request to the server with a timeout set to 10 seconds. If the serversupports long polling, OPA expects the server to set the Content-Type header to application/vnd.openpolicyagent.bundles.If the server does not support long polling, OPA will fallback to the regular periodic polling.

In this example, the bundle contains one policy file (authz.rego) and twodata files (roles/bindings/data.json and roles/permissions/data.json).The bundle may also contain an optional wasm binary file (policy.wasm).It stores the WebAssembly compiled version of all the Rego policy files withinthe bundle.

revision - If the bundle service is capable of serving different revisions of the samebundle, the service should include a top-level revision field containing astring value that identifies the bundle revision.

For example, this manifest specifies a revision (which happens to be a Gitcommit hash) and a set of roots for the bundle contents. In this case, themanifest declares that it owns the roots data.roles anddata.http.example.authz.

The policies in the bundle are contained under the roots. This isdetermined by inspecting the package statement in each of thepolicy files. For example, given the manifest above, it would be anerror to include a policy file containing package acmecorp.otherbecause acmecorp.other is not contained in either of the roots.

When you run OPA, you can provide bundle files over the command line. Thisallows you to manually check that your bundles include all of the files thatyou intended and that they are structured correctly. For example: 2351a5e196

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