HOWDY, i`m zichen Liu

A PhD student in SCAI, ASU @ Tempe, AZ

About my self

👋  This is Zichen. 

Beginning in spring 2023, I embarked on my journey as a computer science PhD student at SCAI, ASU. You can find my CV here.

I am fortunate to be working under the supervision of Dr.Xusheng Xiao(@ASU) and Dr.Chaowei Xiao(@UW-Madison). My personal research interests broadly encompass AI and security, where I continuously seek to contribute and expand my knowledge.

Outside of research, I enjoy Chinese calligraphy, sports, and watching art films. My favorite film directors are Andrei Tarkovsky and Theodoros Angelopoulos. My favorite Chinese director is Edward Yang, with whom I share the same university and department.