Zhoupeng Jack Zhang

Ph.D. Candidate of Operations Management & Statistics

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto


CV, SSRN, Google Scholar

I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in the Operations Management & Statistics department at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, advised by Professor Ming Hu. Before coming to the University of Toronto, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Management Science from the School of Management at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2019.

My current research focuses on socially responsible and sustainable operations of innovative business models (e.g., gig platforms). A major line of my work studies the impacts of employment status regulations, platform operations and customer prosocial behaviours on the welfare of gig workers (e.g., Uber drivers). More broadly, I am interested in the well-being of other categories of workers (e.g., migrant workers, artists, content creators) and the operations of small businesses in innovative marketplaces. 

Overall, the mission of my research is towards a better understanding of how data as a new production factor and data-driven business models have revolutionized and will keep reshaping business operations and human society. I am excited to embark on this intellectual voyage from the perspective of labor and online platforms.