

About me

I am a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at Durham University. My supervisors are Yue Ren and Jeffrey Giansiracusa and I am a part of the Topological Data Analysis group within the department. Furthermore, I am a member of the Oxford-Swansea-Liverpool Centre for Topological Data Analysis

My research interests include:

I finished the first year of my PhD at Swansea University. I hold a Master's and a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. I wrote my master thesis, Manifold Approximation with Fuzzy Simplicial Sets and its Implementation in UMAP Algorithm, under the supervision of prof. dr. Neža Mramor-Kosta, and the bachelor thesis, Braid Group and Link Invariants, under the supervision of prof. dr. Sašo Strle.

In my free time I enjoy spending time outdoors in any shape or form. I have recently even started working outside (luckily I am able to as a maths PhD student). I also like sewing clothes, where I let my attention to detail shine. I dabble in knitting as well with varying levels of success. I like to eat good food, which is why I am constantly trying to improve my cooking skills. I used to play many instruments (violin, viola, piano and ukulele) and sing in a choir, but have neglected these hobbies since moving abroad. As a kid, I trained artistic gymnastics which ingrained a deep love of sports in me.

Contact information

Email: ziva dot urbancic at