Susan Chun Zhu 祝淳

Department of Economics, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA



Globalization, Recruitments, and Job Mobility,” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

Financial Structures, Banking Regulations, and Export Dynamics,” (with Raoul Minetti, Alen Mulabdcic, and Michele Ruta), Journal of Banking and Finance, 124, 2021.

Globalization, the Jobs ladder and Economic Mobility,” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), European Economic Review, 127, 2020.

“Financial Constraints, Firms’ Supply Chains and Internationalization” (with Raoul Minetti, Pierluigi Murro, Zeno Rotondi), Journal of European Economic Association, 17(2), 327-75, 2019.

“Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), European Economic Review, 100, 273-292, 2017.

“Global Engagement, Complex Tasks, and the Distribution of Occupational Employment” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), Review of International Economics, 24(4), 717-736, 2016.

“Family Firms, Corporate Governance, and Export” (with Raoul Minetti and Pierluigi Murro), Economica, 1177-1216, December 2015.

“Multinational Price Premium” (with Ying Ge and Huiwen Lai), Journal of Development Economics, 181-199, July 2015.

“Globalization and Imperfect Labor Market Sorting” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), Journal of International Economics, 177-194, November 2014.

“Liberalized Trade and Worker-Firm Matching” (with Carl Davidson, Fredrik Heyman, Steven Matusz, and Fredrik Sjöholm), American Economic Review P&P, 429-434, May 2012.

“Credit Constraints and Firm Export: Microeconomic Evidence from Italy” (with Raoul Minetti), Journal of International Economics, 109-125, March 2011.

“The Structure of Factor Content Predictions” (with Daniel Trefler), Journal of International Economics, 195-207, November 2010.

“Technology, Endowments, and the Factor Content of Bilateral Trade” (with Huiwen Lai), Journal of International Economics, 389-409, April 2007.

“On the Welfare Implications of Southern Catch-up” Economics Letters, 378-382, March 2007.

“U.S. Exports and Multinational Production” (with Huiwen Lai), Review of Economics and Statistics, 531-548, August 2006.

“Can Product Cycles Explain Skill Upgrading?” Journal of International Economics, 131-155, May 2005.

“Trade and Inequality in Developing Countries: A General Equilibrium Analysis” (with Daniel Trefler), Journal of International Economics, 21-48, January 2005.

“Trade, Product Cycles and Inequality Within and Between Countries” Canadian Journal of Economics, 1042-1060, November 2004.

“The Determinants of Bilateral Trade” (with Huiwen Lai), Canadian Journal of Economics, 459-483, May 2004.

“Beyond the Algebra of Explanation: HOV for the Technology Age” (with Daniel Trefler), American Economic Review P&P, 145-149, May 2000.