Zhongtian He (何中天)

Email: zhongtian.he [at] princeton.edu, hezhongtian1 [at] gmail.com

About me

Hi! I am a second-year PhD student in the Computer Science Theory Group at Princeton University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Mark Braverman. Before this, I graduated from Yao Class at Tsinghua University in 2022.

I am interested in communication complexity and graph algorithms.


Conference papers

Cactus Representation of Minimum Cuts: Derandomize and Speed up [pdf]

Zhongtian He, Shang-En Huang, Thatchaphol Saranurak

SODA 2024

Cactus Representations in Polylogarithmic Max-flow via Maximal Isolating Mincuts [pdf]

Zhongtian He, Shang-En Huang, Thatchaphol Saranurak

SODA 2024

Improved Online Correlated Selection [pdf]

Ruiquan Gao, Zhongtian He, Zhiyi Huang, Zipei Nie, Bijun Yuan, Yan Zhong

FOCS 2021


Teaching Experiences

Teaching Assistant to Prof. Ran Raz: Information Theory and Applications, Princeton University, Spring 2024

Teaching Assistant to Prof. Huacheng Yu: Advanced Algorithm Design, Princeton University, Fall 2023

Teaching Assistant to Prof. Ran Duan: Theory of Computation, Tsinghua University, Spring 2022


I like playing soccer. I was the captain of my department soccer team during my undergrad.

I also love competitive programming.