About me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Roux Institute and College of Bioengineering at Northeastern University under Professor Eduardo Sontag’s supervision.

My current research focuses on the interdisciplinary study of applied mathematics (particularly dynamical systems and control theory), machine learning (particularly physics-informed neural networks and deep reinforcement learning), and complex biological systems (particularly large metabolic networks, chemical reaction networks, and circadian rhythms). My research journey started in wet-lab molecular biology research, then transitioned to the field of biomathematics and turned into a passion for mathematics and machine learning research. I am strongly motivated to combine mathematical, computational, and experimental methods to gain insights into life sciences. Currently, I focus on developing physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for parameter inference, systems observability/identifiability, missing dynamics prediction from noisy measurements, and time optimal control.

I am actively seeking full-time positions at the interface of systems biology, machine learning, and biomedical sciences. Please feel free to contact me if you have open positions.

Zheming An, Ph.D.

postdoctoral researcher in systems biology and machine learning

Advisor: Dr. Eduardo Sontag

Northeastern University

Ph.D. Advisor: Dr. Benedetto Piccoli

Rutgers University



Biology: Computational and Integrative

Biology: Computational and Integrative



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