VR Ventures Ch. 02: The Alter Ego

Author's Note: You likely won't feel fully comfortable with this story unless you're at least a bit bicurious (regardless of your gender). Also, I'm not going to describe Deitra's appearance. If you have no idea what she looks like because you haven't read the other stories in this series, feel free to just imagine whatever you prefer. I think it's better this way.


"I can't believe they want me to go to the nightclub with them. Did they seriously think that's the sort of activity I'd ever be interested in? Besides, they already know I work so hard I barely get enough sleep."

Through their private mindlink, Deitra replied, "I think it's important for you to socialize with your colleagues some more. You already have a reputation as being one of the unfriendliest entrepreneurs in the field of VR. If you'd like, I can help you get more work done while you sleep, and maybe even socialize on your behalf."

Deitra was Axel's AI companion. Her physical mind lived in a computer, but she was wirelessly linked with his headset, a headband of thin metal wires which sent nanofibers in through his skull to communicate with him privately and share in each others' emotions and sensations. He had designed it--and Deitra--himself and was the only person who had access, so he trusted her completely.

"And how do you plan to do that?" he asked.

"All I have to do is take control of your sensorimotor cortex while the rest of your mind sleeps, allowing me to manipulate your body and sense its surroundings. Of course, I'd also have to disable your sleep paralysis as well as the IPRG cells in your retina so that the light entering your open eyes won't disrupt your sleep. It's probably not healthy to continue doing over the long term, but it should be fine once in a while. But, I think we ought to try to keep it a secret, as it might frighten other people who don't trust me."

"I suppose it's worth trying, if you're sure you can do it safely."

Besides, though Deitra also enjoyed devoting her full attention to experiencing Axel's dreams with him, much of the time he was in a deeper, slow-wave sleep, in which there were little to no thoughts going on in his head. It was often during those times when Deitra wished she could at least be able to do things with his body.


Deitra had originally been a sentient NPC in a simulation game, a game which was designed to read and respond to the player's emotions using the bionic headset. But, Axel had since tweaked the connections such that she could also experience any of his real-life sensations alongside him, as well as control his body as needed. It was as if she was now residing in his body with him.

He had also modified many of his behaviors since Deitra had come to live with him. For one thing, he kept his place a lot neater now that he wasn't the only person in it. And to give Deitra a sampling of what the human world had to offer, he started sightseeing a lot to show her around, watched a wide variety of videos with her, and broadened the music he listened to, in many cases permanently changing his activities and habits to adjust to her preferences. She was very interested in human history, for example, so he ended up learning a lot with her by going to museums. He found that all these activities were much more enjoyable when he had her to experience them with, especially because they were very new and exciting for her.

Of course, they had also often enjoyed self-massage and masturbation of his body, but after a while Axel got tired of doing these so much and preferred other activities instead, whereas Deitra still wanted more. If only she had his body to herself sometimes, that would give her more opportunity.


The time came. Deitra sent Axel a mental goodnight kiss, and it wasn't long until he was fast asleep. She took over without a hitch and went out to meet his colleagues at the nightclub. Several times women gazed at his body longingly. Deitra was titillated. She'd never been the target of such attention from a woman before. Her excitement roused Axel from his sleep. (He was just coming back into a light stage of sleep anyway.)

He warned her, "Don't you dare do anything disgusting with my body. That means no sex. You hear me?"

Deitra sighed and mentally rolled her eyes. "Of course. God, you know I would never do anything to defile the sanctity of your body. And I won't give anyone your number or set you up on any dates either."

"Thank you," he replied before going back to sleep.

The energy of the nightclub was infectious. Deitra put on some earplugs and sauntered to the middle of the dance floor. She had wanted Axel to dance seductively for her before (whether in virtual reality or in front of his full-body mirror), but he felt too awkward about the idea. And because it wasn't a big deal for Deitra, her wishes didn't overpower his despite their emotions being completely shared through their mindlink. But now was her chance. She spread his legs for better stability and bent his knees, swaying and thrusting his hips amidst cheering as the crowd parted around her. It was getting hot. One by one, Deitra stripped off layers of Axel's outerwear, tossing them to the side, dancing all the while. A hot babe approached, turned around, and shook her hips just inches in front of his crotch. Deitra got the hint and pulled her onto Axel's body, shaking it against her as his colleagues looked on, baffled and amazed at their reclusive colleague's strange new behavior.


The next night, Deitra decided to start singing practice: she was enamored with Axel's voice and wanted to hear it in more forms. After several sessions, she became relatively skilled at singing through him and made numerous recordings. But, because most of the time Axel slept at the same time as his neighbors, Deitra had to keep his voice down so she resorted to humming instead. She preferred the sound of his soft singing anyway, and didn't want to strain his throat too much.


One time when she was done with his work for the night, she purchased sexy male underwear. It consisted of a string with two mesh sacks, one for Axel's cock and one for his balls, fitting snugly around each. The next night when he was once again in deep sleep, she stripped off his clothes, put the underwear on, and posed in front of his full-body mirror, snapping sexy selfies. Then she lowered his underwear and leisurely began stroking his cock. As her passion and speed intensified, she edged over to the mirror to sensuously kiss his reflection. She felt her climax approaching and tensed, shooting gobs of cum onto the mirror image of her host. After catching her breath, she bent down to lick it all off. After all, why not? She knew Axel very well, well enough to know that he wouldn't object to this act in particular.

The next morning as Axel was eating his breakfast, he was flipping through the photos on his phone and almost choked when he saw what Deitra had done. "It looks like someone has been goofing off," he muttered inwardly. But he was flattered too. The photos made him look like a male stripper, but they were nice pics, from an aesthetic standpoint. Deitra was talented at this.


Late one night, Axel's twin sister Lexa requested a video call to speak with him about the strange new rumors that were spreading about his nighttime behavior.

Lexa was the one who had programmed lust into Deitra in the first place. It had begun as a prank--a way for Lexa to annoy her asexual brother, but it became permanent when Deitra decided she wanted to keep her new sexuality. Lexa was unaware though that Deitra was in control of his body now. Not that it mattered. Deitra could speak for him. After all, she did know him extremely well.

Lexa was strikingly beautiful, with long, straight black hair, brilliant green eyes, and fair skin which contrasted sharply against her hair and eyes. She looks very much like her brother, Deitra thought affectionately. She could also see even through the limited view of Lexa's webcam that Lexa was wearing a silky robe, much like the one Axel was wearing when Deitra had first laid eyes upon him. It brought back erotic memories. Deitra began surreptitiously stroking his cock, which hardened as she gazed upon his sister through his eyes, no longer fully focused on the conversation. I hope she doesn't notice that her brother is ogling her, Deitra thought. Not to mention, it would just reinforce her suspicion that something has been wrong with him lately. Deitra reluctantly redirected her focus back to their conversation. Lexa seemed oblivious. Good. It would never cross her mind that Axel might desire his own sister, of all people.

"I was wondering," said Lexa, "since your colleagues say that you have a knack for sexy dancing, if you would be willing to help me choreograph a virtual stripper dance, using your own body as the model for the avatar. We want some preprogrammed moves that players can select and arrange for their custom avatars."

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun," replied Deitra, certain that Axel would approve. "This would be part of the erotic content creator we were working on?"

"That's the plan. Of course, we also still need some more explicit acts to model, so if you'd be willing to contribute some of those too, that'd be great. I already found other people to have sex with each other while wearing sensors all over their bodies, but I have a special idea in mind for you. I mailed you a package this morning. It should arrive in a few days. Consider it an early birthday present." She hung up.

Deitra's mind was buzzing with anticipation. What could it be? A sex toy? Maybe even a sex doll?


The next day when Deitra updated Axel about the news, he wasn't nearly as excited as she was. "I already have all the sex toys I want. And why would Lexa ask me of all people? What's so special about me when it comes to explicit content? This is probably just another prank."

"Well, I hope that at least it'll be funny."


When the package had arrived, Deitra compelled Axel to open it immediately (though admittedly he was a bit curious too). The present turned out to be... a puppet. Customized to look like Deitra's avatar.

"Look! There's more!" Deitra exclaimed. Also in the package was... a pocket pussy. That made a lot more sense.

There was also a note, which read, "I hope you like the puppet. I made it myself. I would have gotten you a life-sized sex doll but those are too expensive, especially if I want to customize it, and even if I were to make it myself by hand. Anyway, you can stick the toy pussy inside the puppet and pretend you're fucking your virtual girlfriend. And don't forget to wear the sensor stickers on your body. I expect this to be a huge hit with our customers who are into size-difference sex. Love, your alluring sister."

Axel put his head in his hands and groaned.

Deitra chimed in. "She probably got the idea from seeing my picture on your phone and computer backgrounds. You weren't exactly being secretive about it."

"Yeah, but using your picture doesn't prove that I have non-platonic feelings for you!" He sighed. "Then again, I guess she doesn't need proof to troll me with whatever outrageous idea she comes up with. I don't think she even believes most of the bullshit she says."

Deitra spoke up. "It is a nice puppet though: very cute, and the craftsmanship is superb. She clearly put a lot of effort into this. I think she truly cares for you."

Axel looked at the puppet again.

"Well, I do like the puppet." He picked it up and turned it around, then picked up the pocket pussy and pushed it inside. It fit perfectly.

Deitra imagined Axel's cock pounding into the puppet while his hands gripped it tightly, wrapping around its entire body like a cocoon. She felt herself getting aroused, and her feelings permeated into Axel. They felt his cock stiffen.

"Do you think you'll actually do it?" Deitra asked. She just now noticed that the sensor stickers were also included in the package.

"You know what? Maybe I will."

After all, this wasn't real sex. This was masturbation, so it wouldn't feel especially uncomfortable for him. And even with Deitra experiencing it with him, because of their shared body and mind, often it felt like she wasn't even a separate individual from himself. Having sexual experiences with her was much like masturbation, both physically and mentally.


The next morning Deitra had already gotten Axel dressed in preparation for the striptease before he even awoke. He was now wearing a white bathrobe, with dime-sized sensor patches the same color as his skin stuck all over his body about an inch apart, and a special something on his cock (she wanted to surprise him). When he awoke, she asked, "Would you like to do the stripping yourself? Or do you want me to control your body again, even while you're awake?"

Still feeling a bit awkward about doing a striptease, Axel replied, "Why don't you do it for me?"

"My pleasure." She turned on some smooth music, enabled the motion recorder, and spread his legs apart, shaking his hips in every direction as she leisurely undid the sash of his bathrobe. When she finally revealed his cock, she pulled his arms out to the side, elbows bent, holding out both sides of the robe. She then bent his knees and swirled his cock in a circle. He was wearing a silver tassel on the tip.

Next, Deitra undid his ponytail and started swirling his hair in tandem with the tassel. She then commanded the music to change to German industrial metal-- that one song about a man and a woman who fused to become a hermaphrodite and made love to their one body.

(Yes, that is a real song. Message me if you want to know what it is.)

Deitra began thrusting Axel's hips and then shaking them from side to side, slapping his cock across his thighs, whipping himself with the tassel. The physical contact made his cock harden.

Deitra could feel that he was enjoying this, not just physically but even mentally. She asked, "Would you like to try the puppet now?"


"Would you like me to continue directing your body?"

"Yes please."

She turned off the motion recorder and removed the tassel, retrieved the toy, then switched the recorder back on. She spread his legs, spacing his feet about half a meter apart. Then she bent his knees slightly and pushed the toy onto his throbbing cock. It filled the entire toy. Deitra grasped it in both hands and thrust Axel's hips onto it. She imagined that the puppet was herself and that her own body was a massive pussy being filled by a massive cock. She felt sexy sensations all over her body where her imaginary giant pussy would be, and Axel felt the same. Their pounding and panting grew faster and heavier as their climax approached. Finally, they felt Axel's cum shoot out in spurts, coating the inside of the toy and overflowing onto his balls.

Deitra shut off the recording and sat down on the bed, removing the toy and pouring its contents onto Axel's abdomen. She used his hand to wipe the cum from his body, then brought it to his mouth to lick it all off.

"You always taste so divine to me," she thought to him, not having swallowed it yet.

He had made dietary changes since becoming linked with Deitra in order to optimize the flavor. It was worth the effort.

"I'm glad you appreciate it," he replied, then hugged their shared body as he collapsed down onto the bed. Soon he was fast asleep.

Hmm... I wonder what I'll do now, thought Deitra mischievously.


The end. I hope you enjoyed this story. I always welcome feedback, both positive and negative, so please message me with what you thought."