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When I set out to write this piece, I'll admit I wanted a different conclusion. I wanted to say the majority of us married our type and that you should never compromise because you shouldn't have to. But that's not the world we live in.

Secondary progressive MS (SPMS) is a stage of MS which comes after relapsing remitting MS for many people. With this type of MS your disability gets steadily worse. Find out more about what changes might happen.

The best thing you can do is make sure this area is kept clean. I suggest cleansing both morning and night and wiping a toner, like the Rapid Response Detox Toner, over the area. (By the way, if you have blackheads that never go away, they could be sebaceous filaments.)

In the meantime, I would recommend that this person try one of my favorite tricks. Every night, hang your head upside down for three minutes to bring blood flow to the face and increase circulation. I do this faithfully for glowing skin.

Disclaimer: Content found on and, including text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website or blog.

Much like understanding your skin type is important for implementing an effective skincare routine, figuring out what type of hair you have can play a huge role in helping you to reach your hair goals.

**Try our award-winning Dolce collection for hair that is in dire need of hydration. This range is suitable for all hair types and textures and uses ingredients such as Keratin and Hyaluronic acid to ensure that moisture deeply penetrates your strands.

Ageing hair and hair-fall tend to be classified as conditions more than hair types. Nonetheless, if your hair falls into one (or both) of these categories, it will help to pair your locks with products that will nurture them.


Even something as simple as a fun personality quiz can help reveal your audience demographics. For this reason, quizzes are one of those types of content that make for a win-win for audiences and brands alike.

If you want to establish yourself as a leader in your industry, then you might consider including links to all the latest news headlines regularly. Not only does this provide a valuable service that your readers can depend on, but it also removes the need to constantly generate all of your content.

While you may be relying on your credit card more than usual now to get through a pay cut or a job loss, you should always remind yourself of a few general guidelines of safe credit card use. That way, you keep long-term financial wellness in mind as you get through this difficult time.

"The general rule is: Don't use your credit card for anything that you can't pay for in full when the bill is due," Priya Malani, a founding partner of Stash Wealth, a millennial-focused financial-planning firm, tells Select. In times of crises, like this one, that differs person to person.

"Too many of these purchases with this mentality creates the 'credit creep' where your balance goes up little by little until you're overwhelmed by the debt and the accompanying interest," Stevens says.

Back in 2013, I realized that I'd been dating the same type of guy over and over again. So, for a while, I started dating people who weren't my type. I had just broken up with my boyfriend of a year and a half. He was an all-American, take-home-to-Mamma kind of guy, but it turned out he wasn't such a keeper. He cheated on me repeatedly and managed to keep it a secret for several months.

"You need to branch out," she instructed. After that, I started dating with variety in mind. First, I dated a vegan schoolteacher with a cat named Tabitha, then an army dude who was briefly stationed in my hometown, and then I dated a breakdancing writer who contributed to feminist-themed websites. Though none of these relationships lasted long, I did learn that dating someone who isn't your type can be really fun and educational.

Dating a type of person you've never dated before means you're going to get introduced to lots of exciting, new things. Maybe your date will turn you on to a list of obscure bands and nature documentaries. Or maybe they'll encourage you to try a new dish. Whatever cool stuff they expose you to, though, you're probably going to find them all the more appealing for it.

Fun has been redefined! When you're in that beautiful beginning stage of dating a type of person you've never dated before, you might kick yourself for not branching out of your comfort zone earlier on. I mean, no wonder you haven't found the right person yet. You've basically been looking in all the same places until now.

If your new sweetheart isn't normally your type, chances are you and their friends will be pretty different, too. So you're probably going to catch yourself conducting a few mirror pep talks before you join them for a weekend drink, and that's more than OK.

You struggle enough to get your own friends laughing, let alone a bunch of people who clearly aren't into the same things that you are. Because of this, you might consider filing away a few "safe" jokes or funny stories just in case.

Your folks have gotten used to a certain kind of SO coming around, and it was probably hard enough to get them accustomed to that type. So don't be alarmed if you feel slightly anxious about bringing home a whole new type of person for them to adjust to.

Just when you thought this whole thing was a waste of time, you see that you've walked away with some pretty valuable lessons. It'll feel good to know you're comfortable speaking up about the things you can't budge on, regardless of what it will do to your budding relationship.

Hi Erika! Loved the blog post and I recently started a low carbs diet (this is my fourth week) and I've done good so far except today! It was the spaghetti! It's so nice to hear about your journey and good luck! Keep up the good work!

Great journey, Erika! All I would have to do is change the name in your writing to Craig and that would be MY life since 2003. It's been a journey of hundreds of small changes in my lifestyle over all those years.

My doctor called me one day after being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes (I use capital letters as I have a lot of respect for my condition) saying, "I don't think you are going to be able to control this with just diet and exercise." Suddenly I felt challenged! It's been 14 years and still on no medications. 

I've been told by another doctor that I seem to have "embraced" my condition. I have! It has prompted me to get some kind of exercise TODAY, and every day. I walk, bike, swim, work in the yard. It has taught me how to eat. Now I do all the cooking at home. My wife doesn't mind a bit!

I can't imagine what my life would be like without all of the wonderful healthy foods and physical activities that, I somehow think, I would not otherwise be enjoying!

Thanks for your story. It makes me want to make a t-shirt that says, "Type II Diabetes?...Ask me!"

@DQ - there is more detail in this post: -to-change-your-life-what-i-eat.html I would also suggest looking at the Diet Doctor website for lots of great information and low-carb recipes. I'm sorry you're struggling - I know how hard it is.

I've had type 2 for several years and have bee able to manage it until recently. Now my doctor says he wants me on a zero carb diet. According to him my food choices are chicken, eggs, fish, veggies, some fats. He said no wheat, sugar, corn, pasta, rice. So I eat mostly eggs, chicken, fish and veggies. Then I found your information which I found very helpful. Dinner is not a problem for me but I am getting tired of eggs and salads. I need to find alternatives to breakfast and lunch. Thank you for sharing your journey.

@Anonymous, that's basically the way I eat. I'm so glad that my posts about how I've been managing my diabetes have been helpful to you. Did you see this one, called "What I Eat" ? -to-change-your-life-what-i-eat.html

5_______ It's been called to my attention by several female readers that the comment above was offensive and diminishes the hard-earned success of females in the workplace. I realize now it was a poor example and misrepresented the very reason I have this column. It wasn't my goal to suggest that women are perpetuating a Mad Men-era stereotype and that men are absolved of their roles in these scenarios. While it exists, this in fact is NOT a common problem in the workplace. I mentioned it as merely a side note to emphasize the importance in making sure "Sore Losers" are not making accurate accusations by carrying yourself properly in the workplace. 5376163bf9

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