Although hysteroscopy and directed biopsy is the gold standard in diagnostic work up of AUB, endometrial sampling is still the most common available practice in public hospitals. Histopathological pattern of endometrium in women with AUB is quite variable depending upon age, parity, and ethnicity. Endometrial hyperplasia was present in 8.9 %of our cases, out of which most were simple adenomatous hyperplasia without atypia (91.3 % cases of endometrial hyperplasia) The incidence of endometrial hyperplasia is grossly variable, yet incidence of endometrial carcinoma is small in all cited studies [9, 10, 17, 18].

"It started when my wife, 32-year-old Parveen, was feeling uncomfortable. Our baby, our seventh now, was not due for another month. After some thought and talk, we decided to go to the nearest hospital," Khan said.

Zanana Hospital Report Download

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Khan says they had barely gone a kilometer away from the hospital when his wife, who was accompanied by his sister-in-law Fatima, delivered a baby girl in the back of the private ambulance they had hired. Rushing back to the hospital, Khan was unaware that the child was dead.

"I took the stretcher myself, picked up my wife and laid her on it. She was holding on to our daughter. The hospital did not let me in. They kept saying they had referred us to the Jaipur hospital so we should go back."

The report also has Fatima's quote, which says, "They referred us to the hospital in Jaipur, but during this time, they did not abuse us or hit us. Nor did they tell us that since we were Muslims we will not be treated."

"She had excessive bleeding due to which her body was weak and the child's heartbeat could not be heard. It was looking at her critical condition that she was referred to the hospital in Jaipur. I did not behave badly with her or say that we will not treat her as she is a Muslim."

The report also adds how in the month of March 2020, the hospital in question had eight Muslim women delivering babies. Therefore, based on all these things, the report says it can be concluded that the allegation of bias cannot proved.

Ella Mary Weatherley was the Honorary Secretary of the Zenana Bible and Medical Mission (ZBMM) (which today has become Interserve). In around 1909 she undertook a tour of ZBMM station across India and this book is the substance of her report.

On the Shekhawati Zanana Hospital & Medical Research Center page on our website, you will see an OPD section where the OPD consultation timings of the hospital are mentioned. This section also contains the contact details of the hospital so that you consult Shekhawati Zanana Hospital & Medical Research Center doctors for your medical issues. You can call the mentioned number and book a preferred appointment slot at Shekhawati Zanana Hospital & Medical Research Center.

And Whereas the Governing Body of the said Society has, by a resolution passed on the 8th July, 1949, resolved that the Lady Dufferin Victoria Zenana Hospital together with all the lands, buildings, erections, fixtures, furniture, equipments and other appurtenances of the said hospital should be transferred to the State of West Bengal;

And Whereas the State of West Bengal has agreed to take over the said Lady Dufferin Victoria Zenana Hospital together with all the lands, buildings, erections, fixtures, furniture, equipments and other appurtenances of the said hospital and to run the same as a State hospital and to the apportionment of the cash assets including securities of the said Countess of Dufferin Fund, Bengal Branch and their administration, in the manner hereinbefore stated;

(a) "the Hospital" means the Lady Dufferin Victoria Zenana Hospital in Calcutta together with the lands described in the Schedule belonging to the said hospital and all buildings, erections, fixtures, furniture, equipments and other appurtenances of the said hospital;

Provided further that the income out of the First Part of the Assets shall be utilised mainly to provide for medical tuition including teaching and training in West Bengal of women as physicians, surgeons, hospital assistants, nurses and midwives, to provide for them during the period of tuition, hostels and residences under suitable control and to establish, endow and make provision for scholarships, prizes, stipends and other rewards for the benefit of women students and trainees towards studying or being trained to become physicians, surgeons, hospital assistants, nurses or midwives.

WUMS began publishing a periodical in 1861, Missionary Crumbs. With the July, 1864, issue,the name was changed to The Missionary Link. It served as a means of communication withmembers of the Society, as well as missionaries and the general public. Letters and reports fromthe missionaries formed the greater part of the text.

Two medical missionaries, Dr. Sara Seward and Dr. Mary Seelye, established a children's hospitalin Calcutta in 1871. Work began in Kanpur in 1880 with day schools and more zenana work, andlater a boarding school and an orphanage. Two hospitals were opened after the turn of thecentury, the Mary Ackerman Hoyt Memorial Hospital in Jhansi in 1900, and the Lily LytleBroadwell Memorial Hospital in Fatehpur in 1905. A women's home was also established inFatehpur, and the Ann Murray Dispensary began in Jahanabad in 1917. Following World War II,WUMS began work with Tibetan refugees in Rajpur, and in 1948 Kalvari Bible School wasbegun.

Pakistan and Nepal. WUMS acquired the 65-year-old Mahabbat Hospital in Multan, WestPakistan in 1956 and transferred some of their India workers up there. There was a nursingschool connected with the hospital, and WUMS started a girls' school in Gujranwala. WUMSalso became a cooperating member of the United Missions to Nepal in 1966.

Taken together, the Woman's Union Missionary Society records offer a glimpse into the lives ofsingle women missionaries working in hospital and educational work in the Burma, China, India,Japan, Nepal and Pakistan.

The Correspondence Series (folders 1-1 to 3-11) contains the earliest records of theorganization, and is particularly rich for the years before World War I. The early missionarieswrote individual reports of their activities back to both Mrs. and Miss Doremus. Some of thecorrespondence from India includes minutes of mission meetings (folders 2-1, 5), and thecorrespondence books for 1868 and 1869 also contain personnel files (folders 1-5, 6).

The Field File Series (folder 4-1 to 11-11) was apparently established after the practice ofkeeping correspondence in letterbooks was discontinued, about the time of World War I; in thatrespect, it is a continuation of the correspondence series. The files are divided alphabetically bycountry, and by mission stations within each country. The series contains monthly reports andletters between the missionaries and WUMS headquarters in New York, discussing missionactivity on the fields, commenting on the social, political, and religious situations in the variouscountries, and the missionaries' personal lives.

Folder 4-1 on the Margaret Williamson Hospital in Shanghai contains institutional reports,pamphlets on the Bridgman Memorial School and correspondence in 1922 on the need for amedical school for women in China, followed by a report that it did in fact open. There is atwenty-fifth anniversary commemorative booklet for the Margaret Williamson Hospital containinga congratulatory letter from Madame Chiang Kai Shek in 1925 and a biography of Dr. ElizabethReifsnyder. Various reports in the file, both printed and handwritten, describe the effects of theJapanese bombardment of Shanghai. Unrelated to the hospital but interesting nonetheless is aconstitution for the Shanghai Union Training School.

Folder 4-2 contains detailed descriptions of day-to-day life in China in a series of letters fromMinnie Bergman. Folder 4-3 includes reports, some giving a description of Chinese workers andothers from 1937 referring to the Japanese occupation. There are several drafts of the BridgmanSchool constitution with a small sketched map of the school. Also included is a 1929 discussionof the need for a board for the Bridgman School located in China rather than the U.S., and acomplete list of WUMS missionaries who served the mission between 1891 and 1934. Amongthe papers in folder 4-4 is a report of a meeting of Christian leaders with Premier Chou En Lai inPeking in 1950, which marked the beginning of the Three Self Church following the Communisttakeover of the country.

The India Field Files are contained in folders 4-6 through 9-7. First are those that are general tothe entire country (folders 4-6 through 5-4), including reports on mission annual conferences andfield committees. There are also letters from the US office to the field. This section is ofparticular interest with respect to background on the proposed merger between WUMS and theBible and Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF, now known as Interserve) in 1972. There aremany references to Alan Norrish, General Secretary to BMMF, who was an advisor to WUMS onthe field and instrumental in the merger. It also gives a picture of discussions of increasingnationalization of institutions in India after independence. WUMS was party to the beginnings ofthe Emmanuel Hospital Association of India (EHA) and this is discussed in many of the reports,particularly in folder 5-2.

Folder 4-7 contains a report from the Uttar Pradesh Christian Council Annual Meeting in 1927with a strong statement on the need for a contextualized expression of the gospel message. Documents in folder 4-8 record a discussion of the problem of visas being granted to Americanmissionaries by the government of India. (There is more material in folder 7-8 on this subject.) Folder 4-8 also has an "Integration Plan" from January 3, 1967, that clearly states what WUMShad accomplished in its missionary efforts, along with a plan for the future. The goals andobjectives statement of the Lily Lytle Broadwell Hospital (1961) gives a picture of the prioritiesand goals of Indian mission hospitals in this era. 006ab0faaa

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