is one of Africa's leading music services! The company aims to provide Africa with easy and legal access to online entertainment and reach millions of people across Africa every month. Mdundo enables artists to keep track of fans, downloads and royalties paid in July and January every year.

By downloading MP3 music from YOU become part of supporting African artists! You can get the latest music, top mixes and your favorite playlists from top artists across Africa. Mdundo also gives you easy access to the hottest podcast, sports and religious content.

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Mdundo is also working with top partners across Africa including Vodacom, MTN, Airtel, Safaricom, Universal Music, Warner Music, Opera and many more to make music accessible for all. A/S is a publicly listed company and Nasdaq First North Growth Market in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Officially launching today, Uppbeat has over 900 registered tracks from artists, producers, and composers from around the globe that can be used in your projects without the risk of a copyright claim. The diverse catalog features curated playlists that can complement any project or genre. Those involved include Pryces, Genuine Colour, and Danijel Zambo, whose music appears in vlogs from content creator Casey Neistat.

Uppbeat is similar to TunePocket, but with the latter, you get access to sound effects and different musical instruments. Uppbeat plans to offer sound effects at a later point. In the meantime, No Film School has curated the best royalty-free sound effects websites you should definitely bookmark. Plus, YouTube has its own library of free sounds, worth knowing about.

Tubidy Africa is online site focused on mp3 music download of african countries including Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambiquo, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ci, Ivory Coast, Malawi, Rwanda, Senegal, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Lesotho, Mauritius, Namibia, Sierra Lione, Sudan. 0852c4b9a8

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