I live in the uk, and for example, this one time, whilst I was waiting for a kebab, the adhan was on the radio, and these "people" started making fun of, so the guy told his colleague to turn the radio off (to stop them from moking it). I can image similar things accuring with the Qur'an on ones phone.

Sorry, this is my last personal opinion. But I have never heard of a masjid in europe with loud speakers, there may be, but not to my knowledge-but if something isn't essential and leads to our faith been mocked, then I do believe it should be avoided.

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But also you must realise that on some we levels we do know more about the perception of certain things than the maraja who have hardly been outside of iran or iraq and only and have only lived in a religious environment, there is no way they can know what the perceptions and reactions of people from various countries would be to certain things, but that wold only apply to those who live in coutries that are not at all islamic

now u must know i never have been to Europe, so can not say whether thr are loudspeakers allowed at masjids or not, but I trust my newspaper (Times of India in this case), u can be disagree with me if u dont believe my words.

now back to topic, if only the mocking is problem here, our Rasool (saww) would never had announce the Islam, surely you know about those times and banu-ummayah, tht how thy used to mock our rasool and his companions .

If it leads to desecration and/or insult to Quran, then it is not permitted, otherwise it's fine. Leading to the conclusion that in itself it is fine and has no problem unless it will lead to desecration and/or insult

On it's own it is not a problem, however, if it leads to desecration and insult (which is implied and indeed common sense, since desecration and/or insult of Quran is a major problem).

From a personal point of view, I would avoid putting Quran as a ring tone, and just put a regular ring tone or as another has suggested a nasheed or something like this. A ring tone has a purpose, it tells you you've got a call, so you're not going to spend time listening to the ring tone rather you will silence it and take the call as swiftly as you can (or cancel the call if you're busy, either way silencing the ringtone whatever it may be).

Therefore, common sense dictates, that since it is not a problem per-say it is rather pointless (however that doesn't make it prohibitted per-say), as the whole point of Quran is to read/listen/learn and reflect from it, as opposed to use it as a siren for when someone wants to call you.

In itself to hear an ayah of the Quran while in the bathroom is not a problem, one could be in the bathroom of a Masjed and the masjed could be reciting Quran from their loudspeakers and it could be heard in the toilet, in itself not a problem, but it's not something nice, and as I've explained having an ayah of Quran kinda defeats the whole point of both the Quranic Ayah as well as the ringtone - one is designed to be listened, reflected on, read, etc - the other is by it's very nature designed to be silenced (either by taking the call or rejecting the call - the net result is silencing of the ringtone).

Can you give an example? They (the accepted ones) contain words from the Qur'an, but not entire verses, to the best of my knowledge. You are to show utmost respect to both of the Thaqalayn. Just like you wouldn't like a Hussaini elegy to be recited in the toilet, you should abhor having to hear the Quran in the toilet too.

perhaps u have'nt read my question, it seems u have only read the Subject not the description, i have clearly said there "my father was using them untill sometime ago, our relative said that it is wrong or even Haram in his view, furthermore, in his opinion it is like strangling the Reciter (when we receives the call)"

PS : let me clear something here though, i have never used quranic verses or nohas as ringtones, and have no intention to do so, its only a matter of arguements sake (of my relative and my father) that I'm asking this question.

Perhaps we all misunderstood your message. Agha Shabbir said it is better not to use Qur'anic verses for a ringtone and he explained that it is not good to use Qur'an as a siren alarm for your cell phone. If your father or your relative has a doubt about having a music ringtone playing on his cell phone, there may be other sounds on the phone that do not have music, such as Door Bell, Telephone Ring, Low Beeps, Loud Beeps, etc. If you still have a question about this topic, please write again to Ayatullah Sistani HA and Ayatollah Khamenei HA and elaborate on your question more specifically. The more detailed your message, the better it will be for them to answer you. ws

i dont know why you are taking it only negatively, if the person's intentions are good it should not matter if he is using verse as ringtone or his alarm call, maybe he love it too much. I cant digest the siren thing, sorry ! No one on his right mind would want to use verses as "SIREN"


If you sent the same exact question, the answer should be the same. The second time you must have added something to your message to make it more clear and that made the answer change. Look back and compare the questions that you sent.

That's because it isn't Sayyid Sistani who answers these questions when sent to his offices (it's the same with most of the major marja`s today). The answer you're getting is from whoever is working in the office that day, hence you can get different replies. 152ee80cbc

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