Yu Zheng


yu.zheng [at] cepii.fr

CEPII (Centre d'Études Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales) 

20 avenue de Ségur, 75007 Paris  

I am an economist at CEPII.

My research interest concerns environmental and energy economics, trade policy, risk and uncertainty, and stochastic optimization. 

My ongoing research topics are:

CGE Modeling 

At CEPII, I work on MIRAGE model for trade and climate policy analysis. 

I developed MIRAGE-Power to introduce renewables and nuclear energy in MIRAGE. 

Income Distribution and Inequality

Inequality module in WITCH (World Induced Technical Change Hybrid): under the EU H2020 project NAVIGATE, I developed an inequality module for the WITCH model to assess the distributional impact of climate change and climate policy. 

Stochastic Optimization 

In collaboration with French National Institute of Agriculture Research (INRA - SMART), I continue working on the numerical methods in solving and estimating dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models.