Welcome to Yifan's webpage


Yifan Yu  (余一凡)

I am a PhD student in the Department of Geophysics, Stanford University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Greg Beroza. My research interests are machine learning in seismology, earthquake locations, building catalog, and forecast.

In the mean time, I am happy to host Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability Friday beer event 'On the Rocks'. Come to join me on Friday biweekly in Terman Fountain!

Before this, I obtained my bachelor degree in Geophysics from Nanjing University. I found my interests in seismology when I worked with Prof. Tao Wang and Prof. Zhouchuan Huang over undergraduate research projects.

Contact info:

e-mail: yuyifan@stanford.edu

Address: 397 Panama Mall, Room 417A, Stanford, CA, 94305

Last updated: 2024/01/16