Yuwen Huang

Welcome! I am Yuwen Huang, a PhD student in the Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Supervisor:  Prof. Pascal. O. Vontobel.

Research interest: Combinatorics, polynomials, optimization theory, probabilistic graphical models, quantum information processing, information theory, and wireless networking.

Email: hy018+at+ie.cuhk.edu.hk

My Google Scholar webpage.


Selected Publications 

Yuwen Huang, Navin Kashyap, and Pascal. O. Vontobel

[ieeexplore] [conference version at IEEE ISIT 2023]

Yuwen Huang and Pascal. O. Vontobel

[arxiv] [ieeexplore] [extended version]

Yuwen Huang and Pascal. O. Vontobel

[ieeexplore] [extended version]

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