I am a professor in Nanjing University. My major research interests are recursion theory (also called computability theory), set theory and algorithmic randomness theory. Currently I am serving as the Dean of the school of mathematics.

Phone: +86-25-83686432 (personal office) +86-25-83597427 (dept office)
Email: yuliang.nju@gmail.com; yuliang@nju.edu.cn (for non-academic purpose only)
Office: Mengminwei building 1110-3
Mailing Address:
School of Mathematics,
Nanjing University,
Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 210093,
P. R. of China
Current students: Sirun Song (Master); Jingrong Li (Ph.D), Xuanheng Zhao (Ph.D).
For students who want to choose me as a mentor, it is strongly recommended that you take my logical course (either in math or computer science department) first so that we can make the right decision.
Master students supervised:
Yabang Song, graduated in 2008 (Now at China Mobile).
Yunjian Cao, graduated in 2018 (Now at Agricultural Bank of China)
Ruofei Xie, (Now at Victoria University of Wellington, NZ)
Xiuyuan Sun, graduated in 2019, (Now at University of Münster, Germany)
Shuheng Zhang, graduated in 2024, (Now at Nagoya University, Japan)
Current Postdocs: Daniel Mourad (from University of Connecticut), Ruofei Xie (from Victoria University of Wellington).