I am a professor in Nanjing University. My major research interests are recursion theory (also called computability theory), set theory and algorithmic randomness theory. Currently I am serving as the Dean of the school of mathematics.



Phone: +86-25-83686432 (personal office) +86-25-83597427 (dept office)

Email:  yuliang.nju@gmail.com; yuliang@nju.edu.cn (for non-academic purpose only)

Office: Mengminwei building 1110-3

Mailing Address:

School of Mathematics,

Nanjing University, 

Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 210093,

P. R. of China

Current  students:  Sirun Song (Master); Jingrong Li (Ph.D), Xuanheng Zhao (Ph.D).

For students who want to choose me as a mentor, it is strongly recommended that you take my logical course (either in math or computer science department) first so that we can make the right decision.

Master students supervised:

Current Postdocs: Daniel Mourad (from University of Connecticut), Ruofei Xie (from Victoria University of Wellington).