It is then that the vengefully dark spirit of Anubis attacks the group, with Yugi having a vision of Anubis himself manipulating Kaiba and Yami Yugi being hurt in a Shadow Game. He awakens to find Anubis and the Pyramid of Light missing. Kaiba's younger brother Mokuba arrives, and Yugi is taken to Kaiba's duel dome with his friends Joey Wheeler and Tristan Taylor in pursuit. Kaiba arrogantly and ignorantly forces Yami Yugi into a duel, unaware that Anubis is manipulating him into using one of the two new cards, Pyramid of Light, which covers the field in a huge replica of the actual pyramid and destroys the God Cards. Yugi, Joey and Tristan are sucked into the pyramid while Mokuba flees the crumbling building.

Meanwhile, Yugi Muto and Ta Gardner, seeking refuge from a mob of duelists wanting to face Yugi for the Egyptian Gods, stumble into Domino Museum, where they discover a new attraction on display called the Pyramid of Light, which looks a little like the Millennium Puzzle. Yugi's grandpa, Solomon Muto (who also happens to be visiting the museum), reads an inscription on the side of a sarcophagus (The eye that sees what's yet to come, its vision shall be fulfilled, unless blinded by events predetermined, thus light & shadows both be killed), triggering a strange vision in Yugi's mind concerning his Millennium Puzzle, the Pyramid of Light, Anubis, and Kaiba. After he wakes up, he finds the pyramid stolen, the sarcophagus now empty, and Mokuba standing outside. Mokuba says that Kaiba wants Yugi to bring his duel disk to the KaibaCorp Duel Dome immediately.

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A Dark Red Eye appears on the side of the pyramid, absorbing the souls of Joey and Tristan. They are transported to Yugi's Millennium Puzzle. Yugi's own soul is absorbed within his Millennium Puzzle, leaving Yami Yugi to Duel against Seto by himself. The stadium where Yami Yugi and Seto are dueling begins to collapse, but the "Pyramid of Light" protects them from the debris.

A shot of the triangular tablet from the museum and Yami wondering if it alluded to the duel. This shot is partially moved to right after Kaiba activates Pyramid of Light in the English version, with the shot of the tablet replaced with a shot of the pyramid

In a special way at this time the Church opportunely recalls every day in the Sacred Liturgy all over the world, this great and grandiose truth: the great truth which returns in all its immense richness on the occasion of the Christmas Mystery. Christmas is the birth of the Incarnate Word, the Divine Word, of Whom the Evangelist spoke so effectively. The human eye has truly never seen so far, closed if you like to the natural light, but open to the supernatural and divine light. The Apostle John wrote the stupendous words In principio erat Verbum, et Verbum erat apud Deum, et Deus erat Verbum. In ipso vita erat. (St. John 1:1)

Yami Yugi and Kaiba engage in a duel, which soon turns dangerous when Anubis manipulates Kaiba into using the Pyramid of Light card, which covers the field in a huge replica of the actual pyramid and destroys the God Cards. Worse, a Shadow Game has taken effect, meaning when players lose life points they lose their life energy. Yugi and his friends are trapped inside the Millennium Puzzle, where Anubis awaits his rebirth. It's up to Yugi to save Kaiba and rid the world of the evil Anubis. 17dc91bb1f

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